You men are small men…
Bow down bitches…



  1. Check out Tamer Hassan utilising his experience as head of the Millwall firm to start some shit in Westeros. "Don't come South of Vaes Dothrak this is bandit country you caaaaaant." It is known.

  2. The Dothraki follow strength above all else, and Dany just killed all the other Khals in one fell swoop. Her making her speech on Drogons back in 6×06 solidified her position as a Khaleesi and a rider. Way to go, Dany. Work it!

  3. Daenerys and other Targaryens are not immune to fire. That is a fact. But can someone explain this scene? The reason why she did not burn in Drogo's pyre is because it has something to do with the birth of dragons, something magical. Obviously there isn't something magical in this scene. Or did they just made her completely immune to fire in this show?


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