Ser Davos Seaworth confronts Melisandre after finding the toy he gave the little Princess. Jon Snow demands clarification on this matter from Melisandre, she admits everything to him.
After hearing her out Jon Snow decides Melisandre must leave the North.

When we had feasts, our family would sit up here and I’d sit down there.
Could have been worse, Jon Snow.
You had a family.
You had feasts.
Aye, you’re right.
I was luckier than most.
What is that? Tell him.
Tell him who it belonged to.
The Princess Shireen.
Tell him what you did to her.
Tell him! We burned her at the stake.
Why? The army was trapped.
The horses were dying.
– It was the only way.
– You burned a little girl alive! I only do what my Lord commands.
If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil.
We are standing here because of him.
Jon Snow is alive because the Lord willed it.
I loved that girl like she was my own.
She was good.
She was kind.
And you killed her! So did her father.
So did her mother.
Her own blood knew it was the only way.
The only way for what? They all died anyway.
You told everyone Stannis was the one.
You had him believing it, all of them fooled.
– And you lied.
– I didn’t lie.
I was wrong.
Aye, you were wrong.
How many died because you were wrong? I ask your leave to execute this woman for murder.
She admits to the crime.
Do you have anything to say for yourself? I’ve been ready to die for many years.
If the Lord was done with me, so be it, but he’s not.
You’ve seen the Night King, Jon Snow.
You know the great war is still to come.
You know the army of the dead will be upon us soon.
And you know I can help you win that war.
Ride south today.
If you return to the North, I’ll have you hanged as a murderer.
If you ever come back this way, I will execute you myself.

Game of Thrones – Season 6 Episode 10 (FullHD)



  1. Jon’s verdict revealed three things. Or at least confirmed them.
    -he’s compassionate (exiling her)
    -he believes in justice (declaring her a murderer and promising to execute if she’s ever in the North again.)
    -isn’t ambitious for power (recognizing his jurisdiction)
    Fairest ruler of the seven kingdoms

  2. Oh shit. Mel said she'd be seeing Arya again after their first encounter. Now Arya's taken up the role as executioner for House Stark. Good chance Jon has Mel executed and Arya carries out the order.

  3. look I like this scene more than most but am I the only one who thinks Davos Is taking this a little personally I mean did he love Shirren yes but why? BECAUSE SHE TAUGHT HIM HOW TO FUCKEN READ!!!

  4. I honestly hope Liam Cunningham gets cast to play Santa Claus in any Christmas movie in the future. Whenever I see him as Ser Davos, he gives me a real Santa Claus vibe, especially in the way he interacts with Shireen. Ideally a good Santa Claus is supposed to be good with children of all ages and I could see him pulling it off just as well as James Cosmo did in Narnia.

  5. Everything about this was perfect. Just when Melisandre was getting friendly with Jon…in comes Davos with his barely contained anger and grief. He just chucks the carving at her, as if to say "You haven't gotten away with it this time". Melisandre is visibly defeated…she realized that her burning Shireen was only desperation and pride, and not some divine command. Her justification crumbles underneath Davo's agonized accusations…he's releasing all the sadness and bitterness he's kept hidden since the night before the battle against Ramsey Bolton. It is FANTASTIC acting from Liam Cunningham. The outcome is also perfect, though not emotionally satisfying…Melisandre is allowed to live despite her horrible crimes, but she is clearly not fit to advise anyone…but she did resurrect Jon, and is owed some degree of mercy on that score. Banishment is the most pragmatic decision, reflecting how far Jon has come as a ruler, as it allows some small justice for Davos, yet does not squander any assistance Melisandre might offer in the war to come. Killing Melisandre would not bring Shireen back, but Davos exposed the crime that would have otherwise been forgotten.

  6. After seeing this, I wished there had been one small scene between Shireen and Jon (which can include others) back at Castle Black where he clearly finds her adorable, sweet and good-hearted. That would've made this scene even more powerful (and it's already powerful to begin with).

  7. You know what I also love about this scene, apart from Liam Cunnigham? How Jon reacts. He fully trusts Davos, as did Stannis, but where Stannis questioned him and didn't listen to his advice, against melisandre and in other subjects, Jon doesn't need to hear her side. He trusts his hand to carry out the justice the realm deserves where Stannis didn't. A really subtle detail people miss which shows Jons and Stannis' differences


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