Thor has come and it has been raining for days in Thrandheim so Thrand and Eldgrim decide to play Dungeon’s & Dragons Online and give it a review as well as Address Lindybeige’s or Lloyd’s video ” D&D initiative system “. So set back grab a mead or ale and watch the exciting DDO game play and review wile they also talk about the original D&D and AD&D systems created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and they pay their respect to the Fathers of D&D and all RPG’s.

This is a reply to Lindybeige’s D&D initiative system



  1. I don't play Turbine games any more. It's not so much about the games (which are not bad games) as it is about the company. With Turbine's track record. I don't feel safe letting them have any of my information. Or giving them any money. I actually had them delete all my active characters and account and remove payment information from their systems. D&DO specifically has a history that left a bad taste in a lot of MMORPG'ers mouths (Again the way the company runs it. Not the game itself).

  2. im realy sorry guys this is the second video of yours i have tryed watching were you cover a game but i cant, the game audio overpowers you it makes it unpleasent to listen to, if you are ever covering a computer game again please keep in mind that we are there to here your thoughts, not the game itself 🙂

  3. I have never played video games like that…I'm curious if in a paper & dice setting could those scenes be custom tailored for the monsters encountered & hence the Role-Playing could cease while the Roll-Playing started, so to speak.
    Or does the game have a strict DM-bot?


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