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  1. I buy Tims wanting to make the movie a bit more stylize. However, not by compromising the nature of the characters. I mean… making Cable the savior of humanity. When I heard that in an interview, I just lost him. Remember Tim, substance over style. We don't need the Deadpool to become a Transformer Type "franchise". I do hope they screen for a Director that fits Ryan's vision.

  2. I'm extremely excited that the boat was rocked and it was sided favouring RR. His vision is the comic book vision and then some and it is HANDS DOWN, THE RIGHT ONE. Everyone needs to trust his vision and we will get to see a sequel that not only doesn't suck but perhaps we get to see a sequel that surpasses the original. now that would be a fackin miracle since Deadpool is without a doubt the best superhero/comic character movie EVAR!!! to be done. gonna be tough to beat the original but RR'S vision is the only chance they have. Super stoked!

  3. I literally waited 9 years for a deadpool movie…I think I can wait a bit longer for a sequel, just do it right. Yes, Ryan Reynolds is right in the sense that deadpool needs to be hilarious and raunchy, but Tim Miller is right in the sense that characters like cable, domino, and colossus need to be serious factors, and of course there needs to be epic action.


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