On this episode of Collider Movie Talk (Tuesday August 29th, 2017) Mark Ellis, Perri Nemiroff, Clarke Wolfe, Jon Schnepp, Ashley Mova and Wendy Lee discuss the following:

1) Ed Skrein drops out of Hellboy over casting controversy

2) Blade Runner 2049 releases exclusive short prequel centering on Jared Leto’s character

3) Opening this week – Close Encounter of the Third Kind re-release

4) First look at Evangeline Lilly‏ as Wasp in Ant-Man and the Wasp

5) First trailer released for Killing Gunther

6) Mail Bag

7) Live Twitter Questions

Yesterday, Ed Skrein announced that he would be dropping out of the Hellboy reboot in the wake of an outcry over his casting as Major Ben Daimio; who in the comic books is of Asian descent. The controversy came soon after his casting, with many calling it another example of Hollywood whitewashing a character. After the mounting objections reached his ears, Skrein released a statement saying he would be exiting the role.

Collider.com has an exclusive short film explaining what happened in the world of Blade Runner between the first movie (set in 2019) and the new sequel, set in 2049. This “in-world” short takes place in 2036, and revolves around Jared Leto’s character Wallace after he introduces a new line of “perfected” Replicants called the Nexus 9.



Yesterday saw many well wishes and nods to one of the most celebrated comic creators ever – Jack Kirby. On what would be his 100th birthday, Kevin Feige took to his twitter account and wished him a happy birthday while also saying that the MCU wouldn’t exist without him. Also getting into the action was Ant-Man and the Wasp star Evangeline Lilly, who celebrated her way by tweeting out the very first look at her character in costume from the upcoming movie, saying “I am honoured to be on set today playing #TheWasp on what would be Jack Kirby’s 100th birthday.”

Saban Films has released the first trailer for Killing Gunther. Previously titled Why We’re Killing Gunther, Taran Killam’s directorial debut centers on a group of assassins that team up to take out the best in the biz, Gunther, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger; with the trailer also revealing that the movie is a mockumentary – something a little different for the spy genre.



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  1. This would not be an issue if there were many roles in Hollywood available for minority actors. There are not so when a white actor who has many opportunities available takes a role intended for a minority it makes people feel angry.

  2. ignorance is pushing an agenda that humans are different based on skin color, ALL things that push and accept this Ignorance is dividing Humans as a RACE. the ONLY race is the HUMAN RACE.. MSM and SJW want to say there is difference races when in FACT is not a thing its just what they call RACIST agenda .. STOP Pushing that.. so STUPID

  3. Who tf cares about this racial BS. Where was this with Nick Fury? If they play the part well, does it matter? It is stupid to suggest that people making movies have to cast certain races against others. Nobody complained about L in Death Note or Mary Jane in Spider Man Homecoming.

  4. Kudos to Ed Skrein for stepping away from this role, I honestly believe he did the right thing and ethnic characters, be they from books or comics, when adapted into movies should stay true to their origins. My only concern is shouldn't that argument work both ways? Recently there has been a lot of arguing over MJ from Spiderman: Homecoming being a black girl and Domino from the upcoming Deadpool being a black girl when they are both white in the comics they come from. When Movie Talk covered these issues all the panellists were behind casting ethnic minorities into originally white roles saying it was socially important. But if this trend continues aren't we in danger of the dial swinging to far the other way in the future? What if white characters start becoming a minority because Hollywood is so scared to have a white actor cast even if the character in question on paper is white <shrugs>

  5. If a movie is aesthetically pleasing, a viewer WILL suspend their disbelief/attention to reality while watching it. If you can't turn off your 21st-century social justice radars for two hours to watch a fictional film for the sake of fun, it means either 1) the film is so deliberately postmodern or agitprop its aesthetic qualities sabotage themselves or 2) you simply lack the basic personal aesthetic sensibilities necessary for enjoying good art of any kind.  Put another way — if you can't enjoy Shakespeare for the sake of the play itself, then that's a personal defect of your own, not of William Shakespeare.  Same goes with music.  If you can't enjoy the music of Miles Davis or Mozart or the Beatles for the sake of the music itself, then that's a personal defect of your own, not of the composers themselves.  Reducing art to politics results in the Death of Art.  And without art, the ability to critique the very category of the political itself, and to free the individual from the merely political, becomes impossible.  This is one of the most powerful, refreshing, and liberating truths of art — the meta-political possibility that things DON'T always have to be fucking political.  If you'll blanketly reject a film in advance because you happen to not like the skin color of the actors on your screen, without having watched the content of the actual film, that's some deeply unacknowledged racism on your part. If you'll reject a film in advance because you happen to not like the skin color of the actors on your screen, that's some deeply unacknowledged racism on your part.

  6. Um movie producers should be able to cast who they want without fear of backlash. It's ridiculous critics and actors think they have some say about casting when it's not your million dollars you need a return on. O and that guys stupid for saying that shit he probably won't get work again.

  7. Ed Skrein dropped the role because he was getting so much shit from dumbass liberal SJWs, not because he "felt it was the right thing to do". If you don't like the choice of casting don't watch the movie. Want to have more asian actors in movies? Make your own fucking movie.

  8. Ed Skrein didn't want his career getting bashed by SJWs, simple as that. He's a talented actor and I would have been interested in seeing him in the role, just as I was looking forward to seeing Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Flame in Fantastic Four. Oh well.

  9. This is such crap. Domino is played by a black actress when she is supposed to be white and no one says boo. Minor character gets changed in Hellboy and the PC crowd goes nuts. Be consistent people. If it's wrong to change a character's ethnicity from the source material, then it's wrong for EVERYONE.

  10. I'm all for any casting. I just want everyone to be happy. My question is what is the difference with a white man playing an Asian role in hellboy, but y'all also want idris Elba to play Bond? I'm in the camp that does want Elbas bond, so this is truly a question of curiosity.


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