See The Mountain from Game of Thrones go up against WAL Heavyweight Champion Devon Larratt (an ESPN professional arm wrestler half his weight). The outcome is crazy! For more cool videos visit www.WALUNDERGROUND.COM



  1. C use leverage to win which would be illegal in a wrestling match he did not really take him down he went down low you're not supposed to do that you're supposed to keep your arms straight and push down on the other person's arm to get it down to the mat

  2. Its actually quite a unique trick Devon played on Hafthor. Devon's complete Body was leaning on his side. While Hafthor was trying to beat him in strength. Devon used a skill where you tilt your body to a point where your arm can never be pinned because your arm cannot bend to be pinned. That's why when you see Devon going forth he's talking to Halfthor asking him to look as he beats him.

    Hafthor outweighed by almost 200lbs, the sheer size of Hafthor should've been enough to beat Devon in strength alone. But the skill Devon has, and the position his body is at, made difficult for Hafthor to even give him a challenge.

  3. Yuck. This fucking comments section.

    Yes people, YOU, random douchebags on the internet, know so much more about arm wrestling, which techniques are allowed and aren't, than Devon Larratt, a professional arm wrestler and champion to boot.

    It doesn't take a genius to understand basic logic. But it definitely takes a massive idiot to actually think you know more about it because of your limited experience arm wrestling 12 year-olds back in middle school.

    Good job, internet.

  4. cue the army of keyboard warriors, wiping off the Dorito cheese powder from their encrusted pork sausage fingers onto their tshirt to type in their 'expert' opinion on why The Mountain lost. Oh please, don't let the fact you've never been down a gym stop you, do tell us.

  5. So many people butthurt over seeing their superman defeated =p Devon didnt' break any of the armwrestling rules, what he did was within the rulebook of armwrestling, end of discussion.

  6. lol people here commenting are so fucking retarded and have no idea about Armwrestling, that guy he's armwrestling is Devon larrat, he is like a fucking God of armwrestling, armwrestling strength comes from experience and the more you armwrestle , the more you become good at it, even a 500lb guy who has never armwrestled will lose to Devon and any other professional armwresters, go learn something about this sport then talk shit, fucking idiots


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