Dr. Kirk Honda diagnoses nearly all the characters of Game of Thrones.

00:02:05 Aerys II Targaryen
00:24:50 Alliser Thorne
00:31:00 Arya Stark
00:51:16 Bran Stark
00:53:48 Brienne of Tarth
01:00:41 Cersei Lannister
01:17:00 Daenerys Targaryen
01:20:24 Grandmaester Pycelle
01:23:34 Gregor Clegane
01:25:40 Jamie Lannister
01:29:17 Jaqen H’ghar
01:30:55 Joffrey Baratheon
01:36:02 Jon Snow
01:46:22 Jorah Mormont
01:47:45 Lysa Arryn
01:53:13 Melisandre
01:55:30 Oberyn Martell
01:56:55 Petyr Baelish
02:01:11 Ramsay Bolton
02:05:53 Robin Arryn
02:07:42 Sansa Stark
02:09:41 Sandor Clegane
02:13:19 Stannis Baratheon
02:14:32 Theon Greyjoy
02:21:28 Tyrion Lannister
02:29:22 Tywin Lannister

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast.

July 17, 2017.

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  1. "[insert conclusion], don't be stupid!" You sound like Arya, it's hilarious. 😉

    I hope this is ok and without giving any details away:
    00:02:05 Aerys II Targaryen
    00:24:50 Alliser Thorne
    00:31:00 Arya Stark
    00:51:16 Bran Stark
    00:53:48 Brienne of Tarth
    01:00:41 Cersei Lannister
    01:17:00 Daenerys Targaryen
    01:20:24 Grandmaester Pycelle
    01:23:34 Gregor Clegane
    01:25:40 Jamie Lannister
    01:29:17 Jaqen H'ghar
    01:30:55 Joffrey Baratheon
    01:36:02 Jon Snow
    01:46:22 Jorah Mormont
    01:47:45 Lysa Arryn
    01:53:13 Melisandre
    01:55:30 Oberyn Martell
    01:56:55 Petyr Baelish
    02:01:11 Ramsay Bolton
    02:05:53 Robin Arryn
    02:07:42 Sansa Stark
    02:09:41 Sandor Clegane
    02:13:19 Stannis Baratheon
    02:14:32 Theon Greyjoy
    02:21:28 Tyrion Lannister
    02:29:22 Tywin Lannister

  2. God, the internet is rediculously ignorant sometimes…
    Also – according to the most recent season, Theon has shown more signs that he does actually suffer from PTSD in some form. (In episode 2, he jumped off the ship on the battle with Euron Greyjoy after he saw Euron's men begin to brutalize Yara's men. Although, one could make the point that it was simply an instinct reaction to preserve his own life since there was no way he was going to win this battle anyway, so it was not irrational after all…)

    Anyway, I loved this sort of rants, very entertaining lol

  3. On the topic of very complicated illnesses that are very hard to diagnose – Fibromyalgia. There is currently bo real test to confirm the diagnosis, it mostly consist of self reports by patients, and people think we're crazy because none of the tests shoe that anything's wrong with us. You should look it up, very interesting.

  4. I find your podcasts really fascinating and enjoy them immensely. I am wondering about Sansa, however. There seem to be a few Sansas in the show (am not really caught up with the books yet). There's the first Sansa who kind of despises her family, wants to be the wife of a pretty blond king and bear pretty blond princes and princesses. But following Ned's execution, enter second Sansa, who immediately becomes a helpless toy in the hands of practically everyone at court. I think this is the masochistic Sansa defined by some of the bloggers, and not that she was enjoying the abuse she was subjected to, but there must have been a reason why she refused to leave when the Hound offered to spirit her out of King's Landing. She had a chance to escape the hell she was in, but chose to stay. Was she hoping Joffrey would start loving her? Would she have enjoyed him "putting a child in her" after he had her father beheaded and her beaten and tortured? And later on she refused Littlefinger's offer to sail away with him, but then she was hoping to marry Ser Loras Tyrell. And then of course she continues to grow and grow up and change. But she probably thought her best chance of survival was to stay in King's Landing and suffer the abuse.

  5. I know what you mean. I initially sought help online, no go. Tried other methods but finally bit the bullet and opened up to my Primary. She listened to me for about half an hour, stopped me and scheduled an emergency consult for me within the hour! I now have 55 minutes face-time every week and it still doesn't feel like enough. Played with prescriptions and dosages till we hit a combo that not only gets me up and dressed but stops me from killing myself and, more importantly, killing others. Still think about it a lot but there's no acting out! Keep up the good work!!

  6. I found you while searching a therapist talking about Gypsy and here you are talking about GoT <3 You said Littlefinger started acting the way he acts when Joffrey was king, but he planned out Jon Arryn assassination and convinced Lysa to do it. My guess is that all started when Cat rejected him.


  7. For the theon break from reality thing in the books he sees a hooded man many readers believe is his imagination who he believes is responsible for various murders which in fact it was theon himself blacking out and commuting these murders

  8. As someone diagnosed with PTSD, I'm curious as to your opinion on this being an additional disorder layered on top of all the other multiple disorders. I'm only partially into the video, so I apologize if you address this later.
    I imagine that, due to the conflicts within the books and show, that this would be a very popular diagnosis to ascribe to most if not all of the primary characters. Maybe not their primary diagnosis, but a strong underlying issue.
    What are your thoughts on this? By the way, loving this video so far, and I again apologize if you address this later.

  9. Cersei isn't adicted to alcohol? Someone did the math, she has drunk so much on screen so far, that she would have died multiple times over, in one scene she had a 2.3 blood alcohol by thier count

  10. I don't watch Game a Thrones..but when you do these and listen a few minutes start questioning "Wait, is this real? Wait no, it's not." Lol It feels so real when you do these! And so many people love them.

  11. Subscribed thanks to the IFL article they did. Do you have an email address I may inquire about other topics/films I would love to hear your insight from?

    You bring up that Narcissism is something thrown around these days; it is a Japanese anime, (so I am not sure if you would even be interested) but I would be very curious to hear your thoughts on the main two characters of Death Note; in particular the character "Light".

    If you haven't watched it, you may enjoy it as it is very driven on the emotions and personalities of the characters.

  12. My two cents (as a layman):
    1. Brienne and Daenerys (maybe also Jon Snow) = Atlas Complex
    2. Cersei = resents being a woman (find it funny though, that she has contempt for both sexes/genders, for different reasons)

    Great podcast as usual, Kirk. Thank you.

  13. I want to make a small comment on the first fifteen minutes. I have a unit secretary who really enjoys diagnosis on people just by seeing them for fifteen minutes. She'll say "Oh they're moody, they are so bipolar!" or in reference to herself "I'm so OCD about my desk." I used to laugh about it, but now she seems to be getting serious about it. I've talked to her seriously about it, saying that these disorders are far more complex and she is just horribly simplifying them. She brushes it off as a whatever, but it is honestly getting to me now.

  14. I'm sorry I've left your Patreon! My financial situation changed but I'd expect to be back soon. I really enjoy your content- especially the Game of Thrones videos. What're your predictions for S7? 🙂

  15. Hey I know this is a Game of Thrones video but if you've watched Breaking Bad maybe you may consider making an episode on Walter White if you get the time. Thanks


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