Debunking a fan theory that Bran sent the Assassin

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  1. What if he sent the assassin to jump start the events of the series? If the assassin hadn't been sent perhaps catelyn wouldn't have left with Robb, meaning theon wouldn't have (or atleast been less likely to) sack winterfell. This stops Bran from leaving winterfell, and stops him from ever becoming a greenseer, which makes him useless in the war for the dawn

  2. Game of thrones seems to use closed loop style time travel, like harry potter or 12 monkeys

    what if he sent the assassin knowing he would fail, which set off the course of current events, the way that it needs to be

  3. I don't think he'd try to change anything on purpose. There are two main kinds of time travel in fiction: closed universe, where people can go backwards in time but anything they do has already had its effect no matter how hard they try, like fate… and multi-verse, where it can split up. The former can be more sophisticated when done well, and that seems to be what GRRM has picked, based on what happened to Hodor. He had already been traumatized when we first meet him. It would be too much of a cop-out if Bran could just go back and fix everything. This idea doesn't make sense, because Bran would know, and what would the purpose be? He goes back in time for information, and to influence the future (with Hodor, he was concerned with the present), and maybe "changes" things *by accident*, or possibly to fulfill what has already happened.

  4. so if Bran can skin change into hodor in his vision, but can't talk directly in the past, does that mean he could skin change into someone in the past and talk normally through that person?

  5. But what if Bran sent the assassin knowing he would fail and thus triggering the war of the five kings which is necessary for him to achieve his destiny of becoming the three eyed raven?

  6. Gotta remember to take into account the grandfather paradox…

    What would happen if you went back in time to kill your grandfather. Well first, your grandfather's life would cease to exist at the point of you murdering him. In turn, this would mean he would never father your father, who would never father you. Ultimately, you would never exist due to not being born meaning you could not have gone back in time to kill your grandfather. This would then mean that your grandfather would have lived a normal life, fathering your own father who would then father you, to which point in time you would travel to the past to kill you grandfather.

    Now, if you apply this to many of the situations in the show, it can reasoned that Bran could very well be responsible for some of the more horrible events in the GoT universe. Whilst this doesn't mean he is responsible for a large portion of the events thus far, it puts Bran as a character in a very peculiar situation.

  7. HOLY FORK it just hit me like a barn door on a story night, Bran indeed caused the Mad King to flip out (past), as he shall also on Cersei (future) who's also looking to Wildfire the shit outta Kingslanding as & when she's losing the endgame.

    There'll probably be some sort of timeloop, which has Jaime kill her, the same way he had to kill TMK with her screaming the same maniacal rhetoric, prior to being put down. #HODORCEPTION

  8. Or he possibly did go back in time to stage an assassination attempt on himself to set forth the events of future game of thrones, as little finger told bran when he gave him the dagger "in a since that question "do you know who's dagger this is" is what started the war of the 7 kingdom's " yes it wouldn't change future brans reality. But if you're world was coming to an end wouldn't you want the chance to save as many as you could? Even if its in another reality. Maybe this makes perfect since, Bridge.

  9. The person that sent the assasin was peter because it was a way to get the starks to go up against the lannisters. You even have varys talk about how someone is else is playing the game to make the war between the two families happen sooner then later.

  10. Id understand if he sent the assasin so that he becomes the 3 eyed raven in the first place but that would be a bit of stretch since it would be a paradox.
    I think the way the time travel works in westeros is that everything "is" at the same time. This would mean that any change that you would want to introduce is already introduced into the current timeline, and anything you want to change is already changed (or the effect is already in place).

    The way that Hodor become hodor seems to support this idea:
    Hodor becomes hodor when he is a kid because of something that happens "at the same time" when he is a kid and is not a kid.
    Bare in mind that humans have a concept of time in terms of past/present/future but you can play around with the idea that time is not exactly like that.

    Its probably more confusing than clarifying but its how I see it.

  11. ( just a thought i got ) why not varys we know he wasn't really fond of the lanisters and didn't like the curent king and system and so a conflict had to happen he has the recourses and connections to know and do it and he doesn't want too much innocent casulties and so didn't want to kill cat since he's in kings landing and connections he can easily get the dagger and he's great at lying and secrative and he didn't need to try a second time because joffery starded a war with the starks


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