Did Rhaegar cheat to win the Tourney at Harrenhal?

Note: I don’t believe Ser Barristan Selmy let him win

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  1. Love ๐Ÿ’šโค๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’ซ
    My original thoughts are that love has a power to awake the magic… but now I am leaning towards a thought that love is magic; we all have it within us, but sometimes we can invoke its full power; we just need to remember not to waiver in order to unleash love's full power. ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. Hey, how do you think the Night's King will die? and what about his fighting skills would Jon or any other good fighter be able to compete against him in one-on-one combat ? and do you think he's Valyrian Steel and Dragon-glass proof ?

  3. He did not use magic but let's be honest the tourney was planned by Rhaegar, Oswell Whent, Lord Whent and possibly Arthur Dayne and the White Bull so Rhaegars prophecy can be forfilled. But Barristan is to much of a loveable dummy to be a part of this, he just lost against Rhaegar in a fair fight

  4. Jorah, sigh, such a tragic & interesting story. Maybe he should learn to look a little deeper into a woman's character before committing everything to her…like I guess Rhaegar did with Lyanna. ..
    Why do people think he used magic to win?

  5. Love. Perfectly right. There are 2 emotions Love and Fear. The rest are subemotiins of the two.. Now then..Here is what I think which you know I am All about the magic.I am going beyond the Tourny. Love conquers All. โค. 1st rubies, are they really? We hear them called that and assume but could as easily be red dragonglass. That would hold even stronger magical power especially to say so eone with dragonblood. We have seen what they do with general glamours. I think at the Trident why have all those 'rubies' on armor. That is more decorative than functional. Look at the chaos that followedwhen the rubies fell. No body no death. Prove it otherwise. Hasn't been right. Why would he leave the very pregnant Lyanna with the special child alone. No way. Not with his obcession with prophecy. What did thw KG say too? Rhaegar never died there. If Robert did kill someone it was with a glamour. Quiet Isle. Arya potions education. Melissandre potions. Magic is real and being used a Lot! Why is ot a question of him.. scholar before warrior. For a reason. I cant see him seeing that things go right. Rubies are more than rubies. He knew it. We still have little insight to him, but why wouldnt he be privy too fire&blood magic and access to Everything he needed? Something happened. Not at the Trident. Or we will yet see his return in books. That I believe. Point is rubies maybe red dragonglass. His winning maybe love or more. Anyway it was magical moment that stopped time. ๐Ÿ’– great as always sorry got on my coffee rant. Rhaegar and magic. Ooh my! Hope your doing good and the baby squirrels๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. This is actually the first time I've heard of Rhaegar possibly using magic to win the tournament. As a side note, I don't think Dany probably resembles Jorah'a ex-wife as much as he said. Just from the viewpoint of a person who knows that kind of pain of loss, it's easy to find yourself searching for those details in another person.

  7. yup that kind of magic is unpredictable… But I think Rhaegar won not becoz of brute strenght and skill, as the maesters says he is bookish so I think he strategize againts Barristan Selmy…. How do I classify Rhaegar, hmmm he is Int type warrior since ancient magic runs in his blood….

  8. Hmm I like the thought but. Rhaegar=Bran ..maybe Blood Raven had something to do with it. Rhaegar was just easier to talk to though green seeing. The mad King only got bits and pieces of what Blood Raven was saying. But Rhaegar could hear clearly and do what was bid of him.

  9. Rhaegar must have been fantastic, though he isn't often mentioned as top tier. Wonder if it has to do with his defeat against Robert Baratheon….
    Robert, who also was considered a top tier fighter in his prime really sprouted bad publicity about Rhaegar….. and even if Rhaegar would have been a better fighter, extern circumstances defenetly play a role in life and death combat. Luck and love being factors aswell.

  10. Do you think magic is used to create/forge valyrian steel? This could explain why no blacksmith would be able to make it after the Doom of Valyria. I asked this because I recently watched S7 Ep6, when Jon is taking out the wights he's not destroying their whole bodies or using fire, he gives them cuts that would kill or incapacitate mortal men but not enough to kill a wight unless magic was involved, it was like they were getting impaled by Dragon Glass which is magic. Just a thought but I'm wondering what you think. Thanks.

  11. I'm a sceptic , could have Royce,Stark,Dayne and Barristan thrown their jousts. In an attempt to help Rhagear dispose his father, showing him as young an able warrior compared to Aerys weak and mad.

  12. I've honestly never heard this theory about Rhaegar using magic but I like it. I will look into it more! Great video Kev my dude. I absolutely love Rhaegar because he's quite a bit like me. Thanks for a great video! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ

  13. Was never one to buy into magic being involved in this particular event but I could see the possibility. Rhaegar was trained. Just as much as anything other. And targaryen's always seemed to have an aptitude for sword fighting


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