Game of Thrones has plenty of fan theories, but did one of the most epic ones finally get confirmed in the newest trailer? Jessica breaks it down (WITH SPOILERS) on today’s Nerdist News!

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  1. "Climate change" is horseshit, there are no climates changingign the temp has gone down worlwide on by a small margin since 1979 according to allow legit TEMP records which btw are still fucked up because they alter the data from the raw aka REAL data…Listen you stupid cunt comparing a fictional series with fictional characters to a pile of lies and awful science with plenty a tree ring non temp study hoax basis(NO rainfall in Siberia did not go up it went down) Polar Bears swim arctic ice is always in flow and the northern ice sheet melts an reforms, Al Gore is a lying moron with shit for a pathetic mind and all those spewing this paid for enivironmentlist big corporate de-industrialization(aka pro China pro big corporate whore kill all the real jobs and shore up for the monopolies) horseshit and is a Rockefeller/Soros/Rothschild funded liar with zero integrity or even the ability to understand basic common sense "climate change" globullshti warming as it was known before the liars rebranded it has never had any evidence EVER the temp studies of the past 100 years clearly show NO INCREASE OR DECREASE any were near significance merely minuscule fluctuations the past 25 years have been at a steadily minor downward pace not even approaching a half of degree…also Human activity C02 etc. can not effect the atmosphere or climate. C02 is not a "greenhouse" gas there is no such thing as a "greenhouse effect". Industry, people breathing, cows farting, animals breathing etc. is not.000000001 of the atmosphere and it is a CYCLE something is taken out and replace and on the cycle goes there is no addition therefore NO SUBSTANTIAL OR EVEN RECOGNIZABLE CHANGE IN COMPOSITION OF THE ATMOSPHERE FACT THE OCEAN PRODUCE 99.99999+ OF THE FUCKING CO2 EVEN IF WE TAKE ALL INDUSTRY ANIMALS PEOPLE AND TIMES THE OUTPUT BY 100!!!!!! Also Extreme weather is better reported on and since the 195's and 60's and modern tornado reporting there has been almost total stability in the ratio per decade of tornadoes and hurricanes with the non reported rate but guess rate thanks to DOPPLER……..duh idiots you know nothing about science weather or the factors in terms of legitimate study. You are discredit nerb bitch no go back to hell and tell the lying assholes who hired you to make America poor, like the cretin fuck stains have been doing for 40 years, we are fed up and will not take it anymore

  2. I cant stop looking at her eyes obviously reading the prompter.
     I know the jokes/script were written by other people, but at least make it look like you know what you are talking about.

    I bet she doesn't know shit about GOT.

  3. He'll have acquired a Valyrian steel sword and will chop his brother's head off! Then takes it to Arya as a gift for not killing him, he says something like "I crossed a name off your bloody list for you," or something to that effect when they are reunited! Or….he gets turned into a wight and is the one taken to the dragon pit and Cersci orders big bro to kill the little pup, but he can't and instead somehow rips the Mountain's head off. Seriously, I think that's the only way he can be killed now is actually chopping his head off. But I want it to be the first one. Though knowing GoT it's more likely the second.

  4. Cersei wasn't present to hear the Hound say "Fuck the King.", and with all the stuff that was going on at the time I doubt anyone relayed it to her.  She's probably aware that he abandoned his post but that's about it.  He's not important enough to her for her to care a whole lot about him one way or the other.

  5. could the opening sequence be when Brand & the Maestro of house
    bolton inform Sansa that Jon is a Targarian? If you look close enough
    there is a figure standing behind Sansa and looks to be the Maestro…

  6. I am so tired of hearing Jess shout dopish, filler-nonsense about 'CleganeBowl' (yay, or whatever). I got sick of it's overused, panderous, clickbait-shoehorning last year, and it doesn't seem like they're going to lay off any this year — apparently not even for the weakest of 'theories'(?) based on moronically-obvious trailer images, which even a blind, retarded, well-hung, acid-casualty could handily decipher!
    Just give the event some fucking respect and discretion! Jesus! Jessica, gawd!

  7. Even if he wins Cleganebowl, you know Sandor is going to die during it. Gregor is undead. He can't feel pain, and injuries won't slow him down much. He's also covered head to toe in plate armor.

  8. Are they trying to capture an actual White Walker (the other worldy ice beings) or a wight (the reanimated corpses of dead humans controlled by white walker magic)? It would be incredibly difficult to take a white walker alive. and take it south of the wall (assuming they know the magic of the wall is broken). With a wight, you could just chop off half of it's body parts and throw it into a bag to take to KL. I believe in the books, they take an arm or hand of a wight to KL.


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