Theory on Varys, kingsblood, Kinvara, and R’hllor.

Does Varys have Kingsblood? Could he be a secret Targaryen or Blackfyre?

What does the Red Priestess Kinvara know about Varys that we don’t? and what could this mean for her, Dany, Varys, R’hllor, and the story?

This theory contains spoilers from the shows and books and the Dunk and Egg series by George R.R. Martin



  1. I think the voice he heard was not the lord of light but the other. Because the fire was blue, there is definitely a lord of light red fire and the other god that is never named being on the blue fire side of things.
    But I also think that the lord of light might actually be the bad guy in the end.

  2. I've heard this theory before, but you brought something new up. The whole bit about how only the blood of the dragon will know the Red Keep's secrets could absolutely be Gerorge George RR Martin subtly foreshadowing Varys' true lineage.
    Great vid.

  3. This is one of my favorite theories right now in before season 7 ep 4. I don't hear enough commentators talk about this possibility, and even more, no one ever cites Kinvara's statement that if he were a true friend of Dany, he has nothing to worry about. But I do think that Varys is not a friend of Dany's.

  4. CONFIRMED THAT VARYS IS A DECENDENT OF EGG (from Dunk and Egg) just like Breanne is decendent of Sir Dunkin the Tall. I figured it out!! Think about it, Egg was a man of the people and spent his life traveling with Dunkin putting aside his fame as a royal. So it makes sense that after all this time in the shadows among the common folk he may have settled with common folk and years later since the seeds of his offspring was integrated with the common folk it makes sense that his grandson got lost in the slave trade. It also would explain why he did everything to save Dani and Vaserys, supports the blackfyre banner in the books, supports Danis fight for the throne in the show, his head looks like an egg lol, his manhood burned cuz only royal blood can make magic occur, that wizard that bought him did his research and knew exactly who to find and what he was doing or else that same conversation regarding Varys past wouldnt be constantly shoved in our faces with every time Varys is on screen. PLUS his name is a Targarian name 100% too, I can give way more proof more perminant than the ones i provided and even secret behind the scenes info but I feel like my comment is too long and I dont want to spoil more of the show than what i have already done. Thanks for the video, please remember to give credit to me as due. ~ CloudStrife (Danny Mora)

  5. Kinvara makes it pretty clear that the voice spoke and Varys understood. And his reaction to her telling him, seemed like confirmation that he heard the voice, understood what was spoken, and knew who spoke.

  6. I think it is a perfect assumption that he is a BF. Obviously he talks with Ilyrio about needing more time when Ned was the hand. The fact that his bllod was effective in the fire was confirmation. I dont think in the show it will be an issue, but in the books he will obviously support Faegon.

  7. Hey lady.

    I definitely think Varys has king's blood, and for a variety of reasons I think (and not so secretly hope) it's Blackfyre. The Essos origin/connection is certainly a strong one, since as you said the Blackfyres were essentially exiled or forced there centuries ago.

    Daemon Blackfyre is my favorite character in the story / lore, so if an eventual heir to that line surfaces and ends up making a huge overall impact to this climactic era in history, that would be amazing.

    Off topic, but really not, you should do a video on the Blackfyre rebellion! I would love to hear it.

  8. It is definetly posible that Varys has some connection to the Targaryan / Blackfire Family. Its the reason he dedicates his whole life serving the realm and raising secret Targaryans. A king is meant to be the greatest servent of the Realm.
    What I often wonder is if Varys knows where the Sword Blackfyre is or who has it.

  9. Hi C, I stopped at Feast of Crows. I loaned my Dragons book to someone and they have yet to return it. I guess I need to borrow my own book. lesson learned, never loan books or money.

  10. First of all, congratz for observations about the secret tunnels and blood arguments… i always tought Varys is a Blackfyre and now we have even stronger motives…
    But knowing the writer we cant count 100% on them
    But very nice… good vid


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