There’s been a fan theory going around since we rediscovered Arya’s direwolf, Nymeria, back in season 7.

Game of Thrones started out with white walkers and those gorgeous direwolves, in the very first episode of season 1. The army of the dead took out some members of the Watch from the start, but now Jon Snow—formerly the Lord Commander of The Wall—is taking the fight right back to them. We know he will have two dragons providing some serious backup, thanks to his girlfriend Daenerys. But there’s a pretty cool fan theory going around about the direwolves that were gifted to the Starks way back when that has something to do with Arya’s wolf, Nymeria, in particular.

But first let’s recap what happened to these beautiful creatures.

The link between the direwolves and the Starks

In the very first episode, Eddard Stark discovers a dead mother direwolf, and Ned’s sons find the den of babies afterward. The elder Stark allows them to keep the newborns if they agree to raise them without servants. Many have speculated that the wolves are an important omen for the Starks since there are six pups — one for each trueborn child of Eddard’s– three males and two females, and one additional pup later discovered, an albino runt, adopted by Snow.

The discovery of the direwolves is tied to the mythology of the Stark family. The sigil of Stark House is the direwolf, thought to be extinct, which is why the discovery of a litter of them is such a significant moment in the story. Each of the Stark children form intense bonds with their adoptive direwolves.

Fun fact: Direwolves are also rooted in real history (spelled “dire wolf”) and were creatures that roamed the earth 1.8 million to as recent as 10,000 years ago.

Current status of the Stark companions

Like so many beloved characters on the show, fate has been unkind to the direwolves, with most of these faithful beasts being cut down along with their Stark owners.

Arya’s Nymeria is a feisty, loyal and clever match for the youngest Stark daughter-turned-Faceless-Man. Nymeria gets in trouble at the start by recognizing Joffrey for the prig he is and biting his arm when he draws a sword on Arya, who sends Nymeria away rather than have the wolf pay for her loyalty with her life.

We don’t see her again until season 7, when Arya discovers her in the Riverlands, where Nymeria has become a legend in those parts (more on that later). In the books Arya seems to warg into her, a talent that might be revealed later in the show. Alive and well.

Sansa Stark’s direwolf, Lady, paid the price for Nymeria’s strike against Joffrey. King Robert Baratheon demands a direwolf death in Nymeria’s stead, at Cersei’s urging of course. Ned Stark performs the execution himself instead of the king’s executioner, Sir Ilyn Payne (who later DOES execute Ned). The sacrifice of Lady creates a rift between Sansa and Arya that takes seasons to heal. Dead, executed.

Another fun fact: The real dog that played Lady on the show was adopted by the real Sansa, Sophie Turner, years ago.

Perhaps the harshest death among the Stark direwolves is Robb’s Grey Wind. After fighting alongside the “King of the North,” Robb’s warrior hound is kenneled while Robb, his wife (and unborn child), Catelyn Stark, and Robb’s men are gutted at the Red Wedding. The despicable Freys continue the bloodbath by cowardly shooting crossbows into Grey Wind while he’s caged. They add further insult to injury by placing his head on Robb’s body, cruelly mocking “the Young Wolf.” Dead, executed, then mocked in death. Shame.

Bran Stark’s direwolf, Summer, played an integral part for the paralyzed young Stark, serving as his “legs,” as he explores with his advanced warging abilities, and taking down Bran’s assassin in season 1. The Stark direwolves are viciously protective, Summer being no exception. The direwolf safeguarded the greenseeing fourth child of Ned and Catelyn, all along his journey North of the Wall, staying with the previous Three-Eyed Raven at the supernatural weirwood tree, and sacrificing himself while defending Bran from the army of undead (along with Hodor— “hold the door!”). Killed by white walkers.

Rickon Stark adopts Shaggydog, the two of them being sent to Greatjon Umber’s house, along with the wildling Osha, at the behest of Bran Stark. Bran’s gone for a while, but shows up again in season 6, as a hostage alongside his direwolf and Osha, to Ramsay Bolton, by Greatjon’s son, Smalljon Umber (since Greatjon has died). Opposed to Jon Snow’s ties with the wildlings, Smalljon demonstrates his loyalty to Ramsay — and proof of Rickon’s identity — by presenting the head of Shaggydog, his direwolf.

Since we never saw the death occur, there’s always that small chance that the real Shaggydog escaped this fate. Killed by Smalljon Umber (or his men).

Which brings us to Ghost, perhaps the most awesome of them all, with his distinctive white coat and read eyes. Jon Snow’s (or Targaryen, rather) runt is anything but, and has demonstrated his prowess, as Snow’s constant companion during his trials and tribulations while serving at The Wall. He guards his body after the Lord Commander was stabbed Caesar-style. The direwolf also protects Sam and Gilly from the more unsavory members of the Night’s Watch while Jon entreats the wildlings to form an alliance. Ghost also seems to be the first to know Jon Snow is resurrected (watch the clip, it comes at the 2:54 mark).

As of now, Ghost is alive and well, with Sansa, at Winterfell, awaiting the return of Jon Snow. Alive and awesome.

What does the future hold?

If you’re like me, and you’re sick of these stunning, heroic animals being hunted down by Stark enemies, the last season will finally do some justice for all that direwolf slaying. The show’s visual effects supervisor, Joe Bauer, told the Huffington Post last year that we’ll be in for a treat in season 8.

“Oh, you’ll see [Ghost] again. He has a fair amount of screen time in season 8,” Bauer said according to Vanity Fair. “He does show up… He’s very present and does some pretty cool things.”

Even more exciting? Nymeria might have evolved just like the badass Faceless Man Stark who adopted her. In the novels by George R. R. Martin, A Song of Fire and Ice, Arya hears rumors about a large female wolf who sounds every bit as fierce as her direwolf, one who has become the leader of a fearless pack, and is unafraid of men. She has adventured far in her feral state and probably is the first direwolf seen in centuries as far South as the Riverlands.

According to some fan theories going around, Arya’s direwolf is traversing Westeros and building a canine army that will be pivotal in the “only one war that matters,” swooping in to help Jon Snow save humanity against the army of the dead.

According to an interview in Mashable, Martin also hinted at Nymeria’s big role in the final season.

“You know, I don’t like to give things away.” said Martin. “But you don’t hang a giant wolf pack on the wall unless you intend to use it.”

Intrigued yet?

Next: Game of Thrones symbology, explained: Ice

Game of Thrones Season 8 will premiere on HBO on April 14. Stay tuned here for all the GoT Easter eggs and news as we continue to tackle all rumors and information on the final season.



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