Star Wars The Last Jedi is different than ‘expected’, but that’s a good thing.
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  1. I really loved film I thought it was phenomenal and easily the best movie since the Original Trilogy. I think if they cut out Finn & Rose's side quest & maybe toned down the jokes a little I think it would of been perfect. Regarding Snoke I kind of have a feeling that at the end of Episode 9 it will be revealed that he survived somehow & that sets him up as the big bad for Episode 10, 11 & 12. First do Rian Johnson's trilogy (hopefully about the origins of the force or the Old Republic) then after that do Episode 10, 11 & 12. If they don't bring up Snoke again I feel they just wasted his character & ruined a great opportunity to use him.

  2. I feel like many Star Wars fans these days are so quick to spit on the new franchise. Sure it has its problems but there are so many good things to appreciate as well.

    I’ve watched a few reviews of fans who get so upset and are flying off the handle over the “flying Leia” or what happened to Snoke ect. It’s okay to not like these things but does the entire movie deserve to be condemned?

    It doesn’t. There were genuine moments where my heart raced and I truly had no idea what would happen next. That’s good storytelling.

    Glad there are other fans out there who can appreciate the new movies as well. Always appreciate the level headed reviews Boba, keep them coming!!

  3. YAY! You uploaded it! So glad you enjoyed it more the second time, that makes me so happy! I can't wait to watch it again. I loved it the first time (minus two things) so if I am going to enjoy it 10x more, I am beyond hyped! Also, I appreciate the thumbnail choice. Thanks, Boba!

  4. Thank you for this review, it put alot into perspective for me. I'm not a die-hard Star Wars fan, but my brother is (and I went with him), and like you said, watching his reaction, it is uncomfortable to see something you hold so dearly to your heart shift and change. Then again, people were also nagging about how 'The Force Awakens' was too much of a rip-off from 'A New Hope', so damned if you do, damned if you don't. I didn't personally like the movie, but it's for reasons different. It's not because I'm not into Sci-Fi (I have about 50 sci-fi books laying around that I have no place to put anymore because my bookcases are full)
    But to me it was just badly paced and all over the place, yet repetitive (which is a strange thing to pull off)
    Though I can see now that this shift can take things in whole new directions which is exciting. And I love when directors aren't scared to leave their box, and think about future possibilities.
    But objectivelly speaking, if I made this movie and presented it at filmschool, I'd be screwed. Yet the creative side of me would give the judges the finger because they can't see beyond their little box. What matters most in the end is that people enjoyed it, and I feel like a great deal of people did, so that's good.


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