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  1. Actually, I think Jaime believed, that Ned defeated Dayne. Y? Remember season 1 episode 1? Jaime was asking for a dual with Ned, even went so far as to provoke him. He did that multiple times actually. Now Jaime is not the kind of guy who would go around challenging people if he didn't believe they were great fighters.

  2. I don't think the Clegane's are the other two. When Tyrion is waiting trial he asks Bronn to fight for him. Bronn, refuses but does think he could beat the mountain, he at least thinks it's possible. If asked to fight Jamie I doubt Bronn would even consider it. I think more likely the 'three' Comment is a line from the book that takes other characters into consideration. And Ned lie!..

  3. here's the funny part.. this battle never happened it was a fever dream of Ned & not him actually recollecting a past event. Realistically speaking, why would Ned fight the man protecting his SISTER? Arthur Dayne, was only at the tower to protect Lyanna & who better to help him do that than her own brother Ned. Also, take into consideration that Ned loved Arthur's sister Ashara Dayne.

  4. bridge4 you're off by a mile with the Arthur Dayne story, it's commonly known across westeros that Eddard Stark defeated The sword of the morning in single combat, it's all over book 1 and is also referenced in the Three Eyed Ravens flashback where they fight. Eddard took credit for defeating him, even though it wasnt what happended, hence why he's not very proud of that feat, due to it being a falsehood.

  5. Bran did say in Season 3 Episode 2 that Howland Reed saved his father's life. So I think he did know, but he thought Howland is either dead or knocked out during that moment which cause him to think that Ned beat him alone.

  6. Bridge 4 do you think Jamie knows the truth about Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark that they were in love and he didn't kidnap and rape her he had to know the truth and possibly that she was with child so if the realm ever finds out Jon is Rhaegars son Jamie could also confirm it and his honor would truly compel him to back Jon as he being his former brother in arms heir and vow to not fail to protect him

  7. He might not have known, but Jaime does not believe for one second that Ned defeated the star or the morning. He looks down at Ned. Hell he even went as far as to attack him so as to know for sure.

  8. "How dare you play the noble lord with me! What do you take me for? You've a bastard of your own, I've seen him. Who was the mother, I wonder? Some Dornish peasant you raped while her holdfast burned? A whore? Or was it the grieving sister, the Lady Ashara? She threw herself into the sea, I'm told. Why was that? For the brother you slew, or the child you stole?"
    -Cersei to Ned

    Doesn't say explicitly that Ned beat Dayne 1v1 in this specific quote, but people outside of Winterfell do know that Ned was the one that killed him.

  9. That would def explain the weirdness between them too. They respect each other..Ned and Jamie but… you know what I mean .. like they also know the real people they are too. Like they see the truth even when others don't. I think there Is a missing piece to the puzzle we have yet to learn. Something yet unspoken in books or show betwren Jamie and Ned that will soon. Maybe concerning our ice and fire babies? Idk I just don't see Jamie as a Bad guy. Only for love of his family. I see Ned the same way also. Figure that one… Great video Kev hope your well. I am in the hurricane but safe no worries. In Jaclsonville. Just a little rain in the Stormlands is all😉 cant wait for next Dance video woohoo

  10. Catelyn thinks Lady Ashara Dwayne , acclaimed violet-eyed beauty , won Ned's heart when he returned Arthur Dayne's sword. This could explain her fears about Jon Snow. Noble bloodline from both parents makes him more of a threat to Catelyn's children's inheritance. Even as a Snow, Jon just might outrank Lady Stark .

  11. Everyone always rips Howland for stabbing Arthur Dayne in the back, but what was he suppose to do? Let this guy kill his liege lord? At this point Ned is Lord of Winterfell and ruler of the North so as a sworn bannerman and a lord in the North, he has to protect Ned.

  12. I misread the title and got excited… I thought it was going to be fielding the possibility that Arthur Dayne confided in Jaime the nature of his mission at the Tower of Joy. That Jaime might know, or at least have all the facts at his disposal, to deduce that Jon Snow is the product of Rhaegar and Lyanna.

    Good video anyways, but I wonder if that could be even remotely possible.

  13. It was a fair kill, Dayne was supposed to be the most dangerous man alive with a sword in hand, Ned has to be one of the greatest just to keep up the fight at such intensity for Dayne to be so focused on him, so much he never saw it coming.Putting skills aside he accomplished an imposible feat, killing the deadliest most renowned warrior on the realm.

  14. Grrm has already said Berestin Selmy (in his prime) and Arthur Dayne would be a close fight but that Arthur would win do to his small edge over his opponent from his sword. When asked about how Jaime does vs those two, Grrm said Jaime could hang with them but would lose


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