Does Mark Hamill REALLY Hate Star Wars The Last Jedi

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  1. I do not think this is what Mark was meaning to say. In my opinion, I think that he was stating that the change in the character is something that surprised him, but made sense because he is not the main protagonist anymore.

  2. do you even really need to ask the question mate? We're all sorry for him, star wars, and ourselves for that polished turd kathleen kennedy and her brat wannabe smart-ass auteur rian johnson dumped in front of us… utter kek.

    sack her. sack her now.

  3. Riah Johnson hates Star Wars, "let it die" was the message. This hate for Star Wars started with Disney killing off the EU and then with very poor writing in the Aftermath book. This movie was an invading army sacking the town and making the survivors genuflect by eating the corpse of their towns hero. While pieces of Luke that they cooked over the dumpster fire that is the last jedi are still sticking in their ghoulish teeth, the invaders say, eat up.

  4. Unfortunately Rian Johnson totally wiped out everything that was good in the Force Awakens! Seriously he basically RUINED Star Wars. Unfortunately there is more than one reason why the Last Jedi sucked! One, since Disney bought the rights to Lucasfilm, they have effectively rebooted a series that didn't need rebooting. The Force Awakens kills off a legendary character and in the Last Jedi, a iconic character was ruined! Yes, Luke Skywalker character was ruined by his character being weak and pathetic – something that Luke in the Expanded Universe is not! Then there is the neglect of Finn and Reys relationship. After much teasing and chemistry between the two in FA, it was killed off in the Last Jedi. Why? Well racial politics prevails. When Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were casted, the racist nazi fanboys got butthurt. So it seems that their vile voice was heard. We now have the token ethnic minority relationship and the white leads being centre. Overall the Last Jedi sucked!

    Thank you Disney.


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