Tom Vasel takes a look at this dark fantasy oriented expansion for Dominion!

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  1. is this a review of the expansion or a rules explanation? Im not getting a sense of what playing this game feels like; instead im getting a scattered bunch of random card and rules info

  2. I thought the Nocturne cards were okay at first when I played them online, but the greatest thing about Dominion is that turns take like 5 minutes and there's essentially ZERO downtime, keeping you involved the whole time. The complexity of this expansion is definitely too much, and if I didn't want restrictions on how many cards I can play I'll play Ascension or basically any other deckbuilder. Dominion is my go-to because while it's simple it requires you to be careful with your decisions. Anyways that's enough out of me.

  3. I feel like the previous more complex sets like Dark Ages, Adventures or Empires did not cross the line, where the new mechanics are wanky. They introduced cool new stuff, but with this expansion, this is just too much as Tom says. Sure you can have fun with it just like with any other Dominion expansion, but this is the first time when i felt like this has gone too far from the original dominion experience.

  4. From my experience playing digitally, the night phase in particular opens up some really interesting strategic space. However I can totally see how it might be fiddly in person. Pretty sure I remember reading the designer say that he knew this set was more aimed at experienced players, but I think that's fine having just done two new 'simple' sets of cards for the 2nd Edition Original and Intrigue.

  5. Even though it adds a lot of cards and setup time I do like this expansion. Games might take a bit longer than usual but I do think I will use some of the cards quite regular. most heirlooms are amazing and ghost town is oe of my favorite cards in the game.

  6. Not really a fan of Dominion, I will play it, but never buy it or bring it to the table. This expansion shows that they need to make another deck building game that fixes all the problems with Dominion. Add a theme that works well with the mechanics so you can explain the game with the theme and also improve the artwork. Make a Dominion 2.0.

  7. We've found that even some of the other sets have added some fiddly bits that we don't use anymore– less is more is the rule for us. And the problem with new special feature ideas like this is, there's not as much replay ability because there's not all that many cards of the new types. So you either only use them rarely, or they get overused and boring…

  8. This is too much. The beauty of Dominion is in its simplicity, a lot of this stuff is making my head spin just watching this video. Too much going on with all of the different special cards and extra phases in this expansion. I think this is officially the "jump the shark" expansion.

  9. What are all the Dominion sets that have "duration cards"? Seaside, this Nocturne, & what … ?

    So do the "Boon cards" stay on the table for 2 rounds & then go away like in Seaside then, or do they stay in play out on the table? Also when does the night phase even happen & how does it work? I didn't glean that info from this review.


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