Rip roaring metal song inspired by DOOM.
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  1. Doom
    The game where you murder so much you want to feel bad, but you remember that you can't feel bad for demons
    Because technically you're the good guy
    And technically this is a big fucking mess of confusion, but i think we all agree that DoomGuy should keep killing demons

  2. Sorry I don't know what happened, I started listening to this then a certain Cadence kicked in and before I knew it I woke up covered in blood and smelling of hell, anyone know what's up with that?

  3. on the metal scale of 1-10 this reads about a 1 maybe…not very metal for a game that is super metal, the way the lyrics are delivered is kind of like he is reading off the paper, when you real real metal it sounds like it comes from the deepest more brutal parts of the soul and that "rip and tear" at the start was…eh, it needs to be roared like your a beast made of metal and hate, once more miracle of sound just sounds like they are selling out as hard as they can and putting 0% heart into it with this fake ass metal. I heard a few doom 2016 fan sounds and they all feel super metal, like kind of sounds like a dollar store rip off of nickelback's sound

  4. "Doom Guy" is obviously not your typical warrior… he's the result of a top-secret atherial black project I was directly involved with, where we infused blood from all Princes and Princesses of the Demon Plane with his very being. To ensure he'd survive the treatment, we had to pump him up with the same steroids in Master Chief and the same healing factor of Wolverine. The result, well… a total monster of a being higher than a human


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