Dracarys! Game of Thrones S06xE09 Daenerys Beats the Masters

After the fail negotiations Danny crushes the masters’ fleet with her dragons and kill some of them.

Once before, I offered you peace.

If you had not been so arrogant,

you could have returned to your
homeland with a fleet of ships.

Instead, you will flee
Slaver’s Bay on foot

like the beggar queen you are.

We are here to
discuss terms of surrender,

not to trade insults.

The terms are simple.

You and your foreign friends
will abandon the Great Pyramid

and the city of Meereen.

The Unsullied you stole
from Kraznys mo Nakloz

will remain to be sold again
to the highest bidder.

The translator you stole from
Kraznys mo Nakloz will remain

to be sold again
to the highest bidder.

The dragons beneath the Great
Pyramid will be slaughtered.

We obviously didn’t
communicate clearly.

We’re here to discuss
your surrender, not mine.

I imagine it’s difficult
adjusting to the new reality.

Your reign is over.

My reign has just begun.


Thank you for the armada.

Our queen does love ships.

Now, last time we spoke,
we made a pact.

You violated that pact.

You declared war upon us.

Though our queen does have
a forgiving nature,

this cannot be forgiven.

Our queen insists
that one of you must die

as punishment for your crimes.

It always seems a bit
abstract, doesn’t it,

other people dying?

He should die.

Yes, him.
He’s not one of us.

He’s an outsider, a lowborn.

He does not speak for us.


Tell your people what happened here.

Tell them you live
by the grace of Her Majesty.

When they come forward
with notions of retribution

or ideas about returning the slave
cities to their former glory,

remind them what happened

when Daenerys Stormborn and
her dragons came to Meereen.



  1. Actually said YES!! When the other two dragons broke through the walls and they fucked them all up!! Cannot remember in living memory the last time i gave a fuck about anyone in a movie compared to this!! Awesome series!

  2. Here is a bit of trivia: the ships seen hurling the flaming stones into meerin are (by early medieval standards) artillery ships. They were most often often armed with low yield catapults. They were the ships that would stay at the back of a navel battle and and use their catapults to destroy enemy ships from a distance, they also helped with besieging cities as it provides a mobile artillery platform. The artillery ships seen in the slavers fleet are in fact armed with some sort of trebuchet, a significantly larger, more advanced, and more powerful type of siege weaponry. I love that they they actually included real medieval history and even gave a bit of a change. As most people don't know much about navel warfare during the medieval period, are didn't think about how these things might have worked. It's a really nice detail that people like me who enjoy history, can enjoy and debate

  3. Well that was stupid. Danny suddenly can command Drago with no build up or foreshadowing. Sons of the harpies killing random nobodies outside the city gates just so the Dothraki can kill them.


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