The 4th in a series covering the dreams, visions and the potential prophetic meanings that these many hold in GoT, and the Song of Ice and Fire as a whole.

This video covers the dreams of Jon Snow

Part 1:

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Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s GoT, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, The Ice Dragon, The Rogue Prince, The Princess and the Queen et al.

Images and footage of HBO’s Game of Thrones used under the Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007: (IV) Public domain works; (V) Public interest work and research



  1. Holy crap. The ongoing denial of R+L = J (as seen in more than a few comments here) has just got to stop. I've read the books. I've seen the show. Yes, they are different. But they are not going to be different on something as pivotal and central to the story as Jon Snow's parentage. Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna guys, please accept this.

  2. I can’t recall if you touched on this in the video but Black ice is basically a thin coating of ice on a surface. It’s visually transparent. The only other people that I automatically draw a connection to are the Others. They also wear armor that is transparent ice. Could this be a hint of Jons future revival. People have been speculating how he would come back in the books. And I’m 100% sure that it’s not gonna be like the show. But anyways keep up the good work. You make great videos.

  3. It has not been confirmed in the book that Jon is a Targaryan…..nor does the prophecy say anything about Azor Ahai having to be a Targaryan. These prophecies can be interpreted many ways…..I see them as confirmingbthat Jon is the true King of Winter and Azor Ahai but not a Targaryan nor the son of Lyana….the great secret is that he is Ned's first trueborn son and heir to Winterfell. And I can not wait for GRRM to finish the series and confirm that.

  4. They both aren't bastatds though. Jon is ligitament. I kniw the show has deviated from the books immensly but i believe Jon's legitimate status as a true born targaryean will carry over in the books but the similarities between bloodravem and jon habe to be more than coincidental right? I think bloodraven has been communicating with Jon through all his dreams

  5. Hi! I've been hanging around your channel the past week after I stumbled upon your theory that the past is the future. Mind being a little blown led me to some of your other theories, and character profiles, and I have to ask; How many times have you read the books?

  6. Several dream of a flaming sword. I think it just means he fights for the lord of light. He has been resurrected like beric and his literal flaming sword. Jaime dreams of both him and brienne having flaming swords as well. They will fight for the lord of light as well….until jaime's flame goes out and he dies.


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