The first in a series covering the dreams, visions and the potential prophetic meanings that these many hold in GoT, and the Song of Ice and Fire as a whole.

This video covers the dreams of Tyrion Lannister

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Information for this video is sourced from the ASoIaF novels, HBO’s GoT, The Lands of Ice and Fire, The World of Ice and Fire, A Wiki of Ice and Fire, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, The Ice Dragon, The Rogue Prince, The Princess and the Queen et al.

Images and footage of HBO’s Game of Thrones used under the Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of 2007: (IV) Public domain works; (V) Public interest work and research



  1. Looking forward to other video for this month too very interesting indeed

    Season 8 and probably potential spoilers > Tyrion < Love and honour conflicting himself for the greater good so he will betray daenerys for love he be exactly the same as jorah to win back her love but in the end I see him elected and probably be on New System to lead the people of Westeros and build a new era


  3. Tyrion may have a little Targ blood, but I don't think that it is enough. The books? We know that there were quite a few Targ princes and princesses married into other houses without the consent of the Iron Throne. The male line of blackfires died out. but what of the females? We know that the Targ's and the Lysene inter married for the longest time. so we could assume that is where Aegon may have emerged. I think that if he was a Targaryan, he would have been a major charactor.

  4. i get migraines that also cause me to go numb down one side and lose most of my vision, listening to your videos while waiting for all that to pass has become a bit of a lifesaver for me haha. keep up the great work

  5. I cant get enuff of ur videos. Ur research is obvious. Ive learnded loads. I cant get to sleep unless im watching these. U btr never quit ! How will i ever sleep? Lol. Aberdeenshire scotland loves ya pet. X

  6. I think this dream represents his inner conflicts & wishes & therefore maybe a little foreshadowing. He, Barristan, Bittersteel & the Targaryens were cast out, chased away, exiled or abandoned, left to die. This is a battle for acceptance & a place to call home. But in order to do that he needs to stop trying to impress his House/family & eventually fight the person he loves the most. In order to do that he needs to change, draw from the hate & betrayal he felt after hearing about Tysha & find sweet revenge in killing Jaime.

  7. I was wondering… do you know how the rumor about Tyrion's birth deformities started? Not only who started them but also why and when? As the Viper had said that Tyrion just looked like a baby, not a monster at all. Wasn't there some other Targaryen babies born in the past that were rumored to have the same dragon type deformities? It made me think that people/family knew about the possibility of Joanna being pregnant by the Mad King hence sparking the rumors once he was born. In all reality a dwarf baby and normal baby look typically almost the same. I think, without testing, most dwarf babies do not start looking more different until they are at least a few months old. Even if it was Cersei who started the rumors out of anger for her mother dying in child labor, it sounds a bit fantastical. Why wouldn't she just say he was a monster of sorts rather than the whole dragon type description unless there was some underlying truth/rumor to it? Idk, just a thought. 🦁🐲

  8. So glad you are getting back to this series!!! It's my favorite!!! I'd love for you to break down Danny's time in house of the undying step by step. Books of course. I think the show really messed this scene up.

  9. I really don’t want Tyrion to be a Targaryen. It works so perfectly with him being Tywin’s son. Especially if Jamie and Cersei are actually Kevan’s children because Tywin was mostly infertile

  10. Maybe it's because we are in the off season right now…. I've been soooo flipping obsessed with this story lately. Wake up in the morning with GOT on my mind, go to bed with GOT on my mind. I even had a Varys dream the other night. 😳 Much prefer my Jon Snow dreams. 😒 Come on GRRM… 🤓🙏🏻❤️❄️🔥

  11. Great video Gemma! 👍 So I was wondering- didn’t Quaithe warn Dany about “the Lion”..? Now in the show they (Dany and Tyrion) are a team.. I don’t understand why the show would differ so much from the book on such an important character dynamic. Unless the popular season 7 theory that Tyrion is going to betray Dany in the upcoming season (because of the mysterious off-screen conversation with Cersie (who seems to be taking over some of fake Aegon’s story arc)) comes to fruition… what do you think? Or have I misunderstood things? 😬 please clarify it for me !

  12. This might sound off, but why is it still a theory? His great grandmother was a Rowan, who's family has married with the blackwoods. The dragon dreams of the bastard line are actually green dreams gained from the backwoods or brackens that have married too. Plus, green or red eyes are a mark mentioned for it in the children. Though Lanister green is also supposed to be for their greed too. The Stark children get their warg power from their mother, and their father's mother, as well as sweetrobin from his mother. All have Blackwood. If Jon Snow can ride a dragon then it's because of his warg genes, they pass on the X and if you're a boy you can only get a Y from your dad. If Jon can ride, then maybe Tyrian can if he has green dreams (Jaime too). they're secret Blackwoods. Targerian doesn't matter 🙂

    A big part of these books is realizing that we make sexist judgements sometimes. We focus on the male name and forget the mother. Girls can t fight. Guys manhood is questioned if he can t fight or doesn't want too (does Jaime feel less of a man than Samwell for a while?).

  13. In The Dance With Dragons, Illyrio specifically tells Tyrion that Daenerys will have support of the Golden Company, BEFORE he dreams about the battle

    «The Golden Company marches toward Volantis as we speak, there to await the coming of our queen out of the east.»

  14. I'm highly anticipating the Jaime episode. His dreams are perhaps the most fascinating in the series and your analysis' are always great to listen to. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on his possible Targaryen lineage as well (since Tyrion being Tywin's only true child while his Golden Children being Targ bastards would be the most delicious irony possible).

  15. have you thought about doing a "whats the difference" type series
    looking at what the show creators have had to change, and what things they have changed that could actually add to book based content

    like how in text we know The Others are called Craster's Sons, and the show included this not with dialogue, but with the more definitive transformation scene.
    and how the scene gave us the image of the Night King and his 12 Generals, something the book didnt do at all

    i feel like if we can sort what the show has been forced to change from what the show has been able to add in, we could develop some much more conclusive ideas on whats is happening in Planetos

  16. Very very interesting video sweet cinnamon Gemma..Can you also had think that he can might be Dannys betrayal for love?There are 2 possibilities…Possibillity no 1:Cercei in the ep 7 trapped hi m with her ''pregnancy'' pushing him into the hard dilemma ''my duty or my family?''.. ..Tyrion betray Danny to Cercei ..because of his love for his unborn ''nephew/niece''..He always had loved Myrcella,Tommen even and the spoiled brat Geoffrey as his own children and had care for them more and than Cercei even..Love means also love for your family,your parents,your nephews/nieces,your sister/brother …family love..Could this to is the 3rd betrayal for love?Possibly yes..Possibilty no2:He is actually secretly in love with Danny ..She gives in him respect,honor and a place as her major diplomatic /military adviser in her campaign/conquer making him her Hand ..he may had developed feelings for her after this..that explain his cringy look at her and Jon in the boat and his strange jealous[?] behavior in them all this season..He always had feel like a looser ..looser for his family,looser for his love[Shae] and now looser for his Queen[?]..There is to be a love triangle Tyrion+Arya+Jon[books] and Tyrion+Danny+Jon[show]..Tyrion is part of this and i believe that betrayal will come from him..Who will be the consequences then?Who knows…i had started to dislike him this season..What do you think;

  17. The 'two heads' bit could either mean the internal conflict like you said, or it was a strange mixed up dream of the past and he was dreaming that he was Maelys the monstrous in the war of the nine penny kings

  18. I enjoyed your prohepcies and dreams video but I have to agree with Tryion being conflicted and also having fantastical dreams as a scorned child. I don't see him as really wanting Jamie dead though because he is one of the first people to show him kindness

  19. Part of Danys vision in the House of the Undying is seeing a beautiful woman being ravaged by four dwarfs. Many people see this as a metaphor for the battles in Westeros but I am wondering if it might be an actual event, Tyrions conception. This would mean that he was not a secret Targaryon but neither is he Tywins son.


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