#dronie The drones have arrived for Game of Thrones on TV Guide Magazine’s yacht at San Diego Comic-Con!

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GIF set:
For the Drones:
Twitter: @djiglobal

Pilot: @echeng on Twitter,

TVGM Video Producers: tidybrighty.com



  1. A good example of how fun drone flying can be. The cast reacted well to it, and the pilot was responsible… everybody seemed to enjoy it. Unfortunately, there are those who are not responsible (fly drones near airports for example) and may ruin that fun for everyone.

  2. okie…who is the douche in the blue shorts at the beginning of this vid…….he takes Gwendoline Christies (brienne) drink to hold onto and than he gives it to Pedro Pascal (oberyn) and he drinks out of it without knowing it was not a fresh drink and it was someone else's drink….who does that??? pretty sad host in my opinion….i think tv guide can hire better help than that

  3. The hobby of RC Flying does not need rules governed by a legislative body. Common sense needs to be applied. It is a hobby and some are abusing the hobby causing us legitimate hobbyists grief with future restrictions. If it is for commercial use then by all means it should be monitored and guided. I for one fly my QC around my home and land taking pictures of my home and land. If you are in the public and you are filmed by someone then you have no rights to complain. Privacy on the other hand is a different issue. If you are trying to be in Privacy then stay inside your home. Ours is a different game. We are not trying to invade Privacy.

  4. +Amy Revell and aren't you the smart one. If you had half an ounce of intelligence about the subject I might consider your insult. You have no idea what we are fighting in regards to restrictions trying to be placed on our hobby. You are just a Troll trying to pick a fight. Go discuss something you have knowledge on +Amy Revell. Go watch TV.


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