A Dundee newsagent transformed into a film set as stars including Kate Dickie from Game of Thrones and Richard Rankin of Outlander arrived in the city.

Zaveri’s in Barnhill, Broughty Ferry is one of a number of city locations used by a production crew working on short film Hello, Muscles about the plight of young carers.

Naeem Zaveri owns the Abercromby Street newsagent and Post Office. He couldn’t believe his luck on discovering Kate Dickie (a.k.a. Lysa Arryn in Game of Thrones) was set to film scenes in his shop.

The store was temporarily closed while the shoot took place and residents came out to watch the spectacle.

Game of Thrones star Kate Dickie on set at Zaveri’s in Dundee.

Naeem says: “Everything went very well. I met all the cast members and they were amazing and humble. I got plenty of pictures with all of them – and lots of with Kate! It was a very memorable experience and a pleasure to work with them.

“I feel very privileged that my shop was chosen for the movie and I would like to thank the Hello, Muscles team as well as my customers, who came out to support us on the day.”

Local support

Hello, Muscles follows the story of a young girl who struggles with everyday childhood problems such as being in a single-parent home, navigating bullies as well as dealing with abuse and poverty. But she keeps her eyes on one thing: to help her mum, whom she loves deeply.

Dundee nightclub owner Tony Cochrane is an executive producer on the film, which received funding from local businessmen Lindsay Darroch and Chris Dailly as well as Creative Scotland. Hotel Indigo provided free accommodation for the crew.

Filming also took place near the Royal Tay Yacht Club and at a flat on Bonnethill Court in the Hilltown where Richard Rankin shot his scenes.

Kate Dickie plays Lysa Arryn in Game of Thrones.

The production team worked with Julie Craick of Tay Screen, who promotes the local area for filming opportunities. Four young carers also had the chance to do some work experience over the course of the film shoot.

Hello, Muscles is directed by Marnie Baxter, who is also an actor and is set to appear in the next series of the Val McDermid crime drama Karen Pirie.

It will now be edited and should be ready for release by the end of the year.  There are plans to hold a premiere in Dundee.

The film crew at work.

Marnie says: “Dundee is absolutely stunning. We were lucky to get some amazing weather. It was like a Hollywood set and we were filming down by the rigs.

“It really was the perfect location for the film. We had such support from members of the public and everybody we passed. It was just a really pleasant and beautiful shoot. Dundee is totally a character in the film.”



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