Just when you thought your watch was over, Dynamite Entertainment is jumping into the ‘Game of Thrones’ fray and releasing ‘George RR Martin’s A Clash of Kings.’ Interesting enough early press claims that this is based on the “A Song of Ice and Fire” novels but the cover indicates that this is “Game of Thrones based on the hit HBO series” so it’ll be interesting to see what exactly ends up in print.
The new comic is set to pick up half way through the novel ‘A Clash of Kings’ which is the second book in the series and is penned by Landy Q. Walker who had written the original released in 2017. The artwork is by Mel Rubi (‘Red Sonja’,’Doctor Strange’), coloring by Ivan Nunes (‘A Game of Thrones’,’Grimm Fairy Tales’), and the lettering is being handled by Tom Napolitano (‘Justice League’, ‘Supergirl’).
The book kicks off with four stories:
Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth being chased by Renly Baratheon.
Tyrion Lannister still happily in love with Shae at King’s Landing.
A stop in at Harrenhal where Arya Stark is a prisoner
Finally, a look in at the ongoing War of the kingdoms.
According to Walker:
“As we head into the second half of this adaptation, I believe we will see some of the strongest work on the title to date. We are on the precipice of some of the most pivotal scenes set in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire – Danerys’ exploration of the House of the Undying, the Battle of the Blackwater, and much more. Breaking this novel down word by word, chapter by chapter, you really get a sense of how meticulously layered the work is, and how the tension between these warring families slowly spirals out of control. Bringing those story beats to their climax, and having the privilege to help guide the visual interpretation of one of the most popular fantasy series, it’s an experience beyond description. I can’t wait to share that experience with readers.”
With a new chapter coming, fans are going to be eager to scoop this up when it is released in January of 2020.
Rubi also added:
“An amazing story continues in this Clash of Kings volume. I’m thrilled to be back along with my fellow creators as a perfect team. We are at a point where the entire team brings the collective weight of two years experience on this series, and I think that shows in my art and those of my collaborators. This will surely be one astonishing series!”
Are you looking forward to the upcoming release of ‘George RR Martin’s A Clash of Kings’? Have you been following the comic adaptations so far? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Stuart Conover is a father, husband, blogger, published author, geek, entrepreneur, editor of Horror Tree, horror fanatic, science fiction junkie, lives in a world of comics, and a casual gamer (all of this when his wife lets him of course.) He fell in love with science fiction and horror at the same time while watching the movie Alien at probably far too young of an age while still being extremely impressionable and has been happily obsessed with both since! Around the same time, he had also developed an unhealthy addiction to comic books that continues to this day!Want to talk about anything geeky? Reach out on Twitter – @StuartConover