George R.R. Martin, writer of Elden Ring, the new of From Software, and author of the famous novels Song of ice and fire which gave rise to the popular television series Game of Thrones, has assured in a recent interview with WTTW (via Screen Rant) that the Elden Ring is, in a way, a sequel to dark souls, pointing out that there is a certain connection between both franchises, although in reality it refers more to the level of mechanics and gameplay. In addition, in the same talk he shared some curiosities about his work and relationship with the Japanese development studio.

Responsible for the world and characters

And it is that as already announced some time ago, George RR Martin is the author and creator of the universe and characters Elden Ring at the writing level; This has been ratified in said interview, also mentioning that he has made a own lore for the video game. According to the novelist, he created the world of Elden Ring for From Software to adapt it for his new video game, writing the characters and the universe itself, although he assures that he has not worked on it for years since their collaboration took place at the beginning of the project.

According to Martin, his contribution to the game is “considerably different” from writing a novel; In addition, From Software have been updating the state of development of the game during these years, showing the writer the monster designs and the different visual effects. “I will be as excited as anyone to see it. [en enero]”Says Martin.

The writer has already shared that “he has played some video games”, but that not a great player; Of course, it does not seem that he has much free time to devote to his hobbies such as video games, since Martin is involved in several large projects such as a Broadway play, two spin-offs of Game of Thrones and others, in addition to the end of the novels Song of ice and fire, whose absence forced the HBO series to write its own ending.

Source | Screen Rant


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