By Jeremy Soule

Track List:

1. Reign of the Septims
2. Through the Valleys 1:53
3. Death Knell 6:14
4. Harvest Dawn 7:25
5. Wind from the Depths 10:19
6. King & Country 12:03
7. Fall of the Hammer 16:10
8. Wings of Kynareth 17:28
9. All’s Well 21:00
10. Tension 23:27
11. March of the Marauders 26:01
12. Watchman’s Ease 28:12
13. Glory of Cyrodiil 30:19
14. Defending the Gate 32:50
15. Bloody Blades 34:13
16. Minstrel’s Lament 35:29
17. Ancient Sorrow 40:13
18. Auriel’s Ascension 41:20
19. Daedra In Flight 44:27
20. Unmarked Stone 45:31
21. Bloodlust 46:39
22. Sunrise of Flutes 47:46
23. Churl’s Revenge 50:45
24. Deep Waters 51:55
25. Dusk at the Market 53:08
26. Peace of Akatosh 55:19



  1. Checking in +a year after my last comment. Being sleep deprived and listening to auriel's ascension is like being in death bed. Would be terrifying if I got the chance to listen to this while dying. I'd be demolished

  2. Many years later and still shedding a tear of Oblivion and it's soundtrack. I am even still playing it to this very day because after all these years I can't let go of this work of art.

  3. In Oblivion, you are a subject in the world and the world has power over you.
    In Skyrim, you are a protagonist in the world and you have power over the world.

    Hence which is why I believe that Oblivion has a more genuine feel to it where you had to build your way up from nothing. Both are great games though 🙂

  4. Skyrim:
    >The entire color pallet was derived from a five year old wiping a grey, white, black, and dark blue marker across his forehead and wiping it with a sheet of paper. The only way to tell what hold you're in is by the guard uniforms.
    >No spellmaking
    >Level 40 destruction completely trivializes all combat challenges in the entire game, attainable by character level 6. You can top out around level 12.
    >"simplified" equipment. No daggers, no shortswords.
    >draugr and bandits
    >A user interface that is, while optimized for console, shitty on all playforms. The quest log is a toggle menu with basic information.

    >Each and every environment treats the eye to a pleasing, colorful sight. Bruma is snowy, Skingrad is drowned in Flax and Nightshade, Bruma is damp and charming, the Imperial City is grand and proud. Looking back on the City from atop the mountains of Bruma was a staggering moment for me when I was 12.
    >If you can push your magicka or spell skill a little further, you can make better spells to use them
    >Each and every level confers noticeable power spikes to your character, even the last ones
    >Daggers, shortswords, and longswords provide interesting and relevant variations in fatigue cost, weapon damage, weapon weight, and attack range. You can decide to prioritize damage, enchantment application range, or enchantment application speed.
    >Enemies vary by level. Goblins, bears, mountain lions, boars, vampires, daedra, the list goes on. The land you walk on at level cap is not the same as level one.
    >User interface has pleasing sound effects and warm visuals. The quest log is a literal journal, complete with implied personal comments and flavor in the text.

    I could go on. Both games have their perks. I've put my 1000+ hours into Skyrim myself, but it can only hold a candle to what Oblivion did for me.

  5. This is THE best game of all time. So many memories.. i started playing this on my brothers xbox, then on my own a few years later and i still played it when i got my first pc 4 years after i played it the first time…

  6. Auriel's Ascension is so beautifull, but also so sad for me… My favorite exploring soundtrack, then dusk on set, I stand on top of some of the hills and just observe this gorgeous world, the sky, full of stars… You just can't explain the feeling, unless you watch all of these imagies yourself.

  7. Played all of the Elder Scrolls games. Oblivion still is the best in my opinion, simply because of the atmosphere in that game. In that regard, the music ismostly responsible for that fantasy-dream-like state you feel playing from beginning to end. This soundtrack is one of the best in any RPG.

  8. Man, the feels that this soundtrack brings. Amazing. I can remember the firsrt time I walked into a town that I a bounty in and heard, "STOP RIGHT THERE YOU CRIMINAL SCUM!" And those first Dark Brotherhood quests and that first Thieve's Guild quests absolutely enthralled me. Overall, it's just and amazing experience and IMO better than Skyrim.

    P.S. I played this game around Christmastime (on my XBOX One), and now, every Christmas season, I feel obliged to play it again. Has anyone else ever felt this way about a game? Please share just so I know I'm not going crazy inside :).


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