Game of Thrones season 8 is a mere six weeks away (dumps out lunch and hyperventilates into paper bag), but we’ve yet to have an official trailer, despite what the showrunners have promised. Until we get one, we’re surviving on teasers and promos, the latest of which comes to us via the HBO Asia Twitter account. If you want to remain SPOILER-free, turn back now, as the teaser contains one small revelation about Jon and Daenerys. Although it’s very small, only slightly bigger than Cersei’s season 8 exercise routine. 

There you have it folks: Jon and Daenerys will return to Winterfell as “not so secret lovers.” We didn’t think they were going to keep their relationship a secret, but it’s good to have confirmation. Now it’s gonna be all the more awkward when Bran inevitably spills the secret about Jon and Dany being closely related by blood. We can’t wait.

Anyway, we wonder if this video is a sneak peak at one of the Inside the Episode features for season 8. You know: the things at the end of the episode where the actors and director break down what happened? We know if was filmed on the set of season 8, because Clarke’s hair is dyed platinum blonde. She only did that for season 8. Before that, it was always wigs. Also, is it just me, or do Clarke and Harington look like they’re being interviewed on the Dragonstone set? It’s hard to tell, but the sharp angular shape behind them kind of looks like Dany’s Dragonstone throne.

Maybe they’re just talking on the set because it was handy, or maybe Jon and Dany have to turn the boat around because they left their keys on the table or something. Or it’s a different set. These are the kinds of straws we have to grasp at until we get an actual trailer. Get on it, HBO!

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