If you’re suffering from Game Of Thrones withdrawal symptoms – which you could be, given that the new series won’t be upon us until 2019 – then this may well help to gladden those spirits.

Because Daenarys and Ygritte – or to be more precise Emilia Clarke and Rose Leslie – have had a little reunion as the final season of the HBO show goes before the cameras.

And Emilia couldn’t help but share it with her Instagram followers as she prepared to jet out of the Big Apple.

‘Dear New York, I am about to leave this very special human bean in your fair city, please take care of her for me as I’m coming back to get her . . . and the rest of that champagne we left to boot!’ she quipped.

Emilia Clarke and Rose Leslie had a reunion in New York and it was super cute
There wasn’t a dragon in sight (Picture: HBO)

We can’t even. And her followers went wild for the snap, with one commenting: ‘Don’t worry your pretty little head dear mother of dragons, she will well cared for (sic).’

Another added: ‘When a wildling and the Mother of Dragons collide. Root Cause: Jon Snow.’

Not that there was any sign of Kit Harington, mind – he’s currently filming the final series in Croatia.

Game Of Thrones will return to screens next year and we are so ready for it – although it’s set to be emotional, with Peter Dinklage, who plays Tyrion Lannister, recently saying the finale will be ‘heartbreaking’.

Speaking of his reaction to reading the last scripts for the show, he said: ‘It was heartbreaking and the end of an era’.

MORE: ‘We don’t want to drag it out’: Game Of Thrones star confesses the cast are keen to end show

MORE: Game Of Thrones author George R.R. Martin hints Winds Of Winter won’t be releasing in 2018



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