Experiences that are important to us are generally like savings in our lives. We want to fall back on them as and when we wish so as to wonder, learn, and sometimes reminisce just for pleasure. And if it’s an experience as special as working on the biggest show on the planet, the saving becomes a treasure. So, you keep souvenirs to symbolize that treasure-full-experience. Game of Thrones actors have earlier talked about taking/getting something or the other from the sets. Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) got a little something from the set too, though not by herself. She recently came on BBC Radio 2’s The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show and revealed the details.

Emilia Clarke burst into tears when her brother got her a gift from Game of Thrones set

While talking about properties from the set, the host said “When Kit Harington (Jon Snow) came in, he said he had a keepsake. He had kept, bizarrely, the stone statue of Jon Snow. He was a bit worried coz no-one else had kept theirs.” Emilia was all surprised, saying, “How did he get it out?” The host suggested that he probably smuggled it under his coat. Looks like winter helped the Lord Commander.

So, the question was popped to Emilia as well, “Did you keep anything of hers (Daenerys)?” She was exasperated at that. “I was such a frustratingly good girl, I didn’t! I didn’t do anything, abided by the rules.” But good students are not all clean, they’ve got sneaky friends.

She went on, “However, umm I am just gonna say this live on the radio; my amazing brother, he is in the camera department and he worked on the show as well, this Christmas gave me the best Christmas present ever. He had, in one of the battle scenes – I think he had got a mate of a mate of…anyway, he got one of the Targaryen flags. So, I opened it this Christmas and just burst into tears. I was literally like, so that’s going up ‘pride of place’ because I keep asking Game of Thrones lot, please could I have a wig, a coat? I know I had eight.”

Emilia Clarke burst into tears when her brother got her a gift from Game of Thrones set

The host also asked if Clarke missed Daenerys and playing her or if it is good to have a break from that, letting the actress know that the fans miss them all Game of Thrones lot. The mother of dragons seemed relieved to be off duty.

“It’s been really nice (to have a break). I think my brain, and my soul probably needed a bit of a break from it, coz it just kept getting bigger, bigger and bigger. And I could never quite see what it was coz we were in it. I always used to say that it’s like we all just got in this bunker for 10 years, and then came out and it was like, where are we? What’s happened? Yet it feels very freeing to be free, literally of the show. That being said, Daenerys is very much a part of me,” she said.

The shocking devastation that Mhysa caused to King’s Landing in the finale was very un-mother-ly. It wasn’t well-received either, some felt that it didn’t make any sense (burning citizens like that) and many thought the flip wasn’t built up to the hilt. Emilia played Daenerys Stormborn for 8 long seasons, so naturally, she would know the inner conflict better than most. “I listened to a producer the other day. He said that an actor is the character’s best lawyer. And for me with Daenerys, with everything that happened, I was literally like, ‘but here’s why, here’s what my girl means!’” she said.

Emilia Clarke burst into tears when her brother got her a gift from Game of Thrones set

All questions and answers aside, the mother of dragons had a long journey. She had to run away from home, keep fighting off predators, and reclaim what she felt was hers. So, it was never going to be pretty, and she knew it. May she rest in peace! What are your thoughts? Talk to us in the comments.



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