

  1. I think they have more chemistry in real life than kit n rose Emilia is a silly but rose is more serious n down it seems kit seems to have a bit of a darker side but he is shown being a nut with e Clarke.

  2. Love, love, love your video. Song is so cool as well. Thanks. I'm digging Kit and Emilia's vibe with each other, both on and off the screen. They look like great friends, which is very cool. You can see in the earlier years, when they are photographed or have interviews together, Kit always getting lost in Emilia's lips and eyes. It cracks me up. He looks so love sick. 0:39 for example. It looks like he's going to lean in to kiss her while she's talking. lol. Another thing I noticed, he seems very protective of her. Check out the video of the GOT cast receiving those personalized soccer shirts at 2:22, 2:40 and 3:13. Kit has his photo taken and immediately walks straight over to her, not looking at anybody else. Total Alpha Male move. He then stays very close to her for the rest of the video, basically cock blocking in a room surrounded by some major league GOT testosterone. My favorite photo is at 3:24. Reminds me of something out of Italian Vogue. Very hip. They look gorgeously Italian. Personally, I don't know if they are romantically involved or not. Either way, I just want them to be happy because they have made us happy with their wonderful performances on this epic show.

  3. I hate to say this but he looked happy when he is around Emilia. Kit a very serious man, always brooding. Here he looks like a young fun man. I'm sorry to say but I believe either he was shy to tell Emilia hey let's date or he was friend zone. I'm happy he found Rosie even though she was not his 1st choice.

  4. So in each other's friend zones…to my disappointment. I normally don't ship real people, but I keep thinking they're going to kill off Jon or Dany and think some part of my mind wants them together somehow. LoL Seriously though, he seems very happy with Rose Leslie and they are both very different people than their characters. A girl can dream though, no? 😉


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