All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”- A Shakespearean phrase perfectly sums up the world as a theatre. Before there was TV or cinema there was theatre. Many actors have described performing in front of a large audience as much more difficult or terrifying than performing in front of a camera. However, there are others who love to see the reactions of the viewers and prefer live performances. Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke once dreamed of going on stage on Broadway, and now she is living her dream.


However, Clarke’s debut was far from perfect. In fact, she describes it as a “Catastrophic failure”. She made her Broadway debut back in 2013 in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” She recalled while talking to BBC, “[It was a] catastrophic failure. It was just not ready. Was I ready? No, I was definitely not ready. I was a baby. I was so young and so inexperienced.”

Clarke added, “It’s 10 times more frightening because there’ll be people wanting to go and say, ‘Well she can only act on camera, she clearly can’t act on stage,’ which is obviously the biggest fear.”

Have you ever been to a theatre? Do you feel live performances are more enjoyable than TV ones? Tell us in the comments below!



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