Game of Thrones had a myriad of relationships – of all shapes and sizes. Some were wholesome, some weird, and a lot of them were outright tragic. The relationship between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen went through all three of these stages. However, for actress Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys, it went a bit out of hand when fans began to circulate rumors about her and Kit Harington (Jon Snow).

Emilia Clarke talks about the weirdest rumors she’d ever heard

Clarke, in a quick-fire Q&A round with NDTV, recalled the weirdest rumors she heard about herself, “Oh… Oh my god, there’s been so many. People liked to make rumors of me with other male celebrities. One of my favorites was – people had a big thing about me and Kit [Harinton] for a while cuz apparently a man and a woman can’t be friends, even though he’s married to his best friend. Other weird ones… I dunno. The weirdest one has to be I was married to Kit. And James Franco, apparently. And many other people.”


Which other Marvel character would Emilia Clarke love to play?

Clarke revealed which Marvel character she’d love to play other than her current role, “Maybe Don Cheadle’s character. Maybe Rhodey. Because it just looks like he’s having so much fun with it at the time. You know what I mean, just be like cool Rhodey for a bit.”

Read Next: Emilia Clarke recalls filming ‘awkward’ Game of Thrones sex scene when her brother was on set



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