Game of Thrones might be over, but its fans are as passionate as ever. It’s no secret that a lot of them weren’t pleased with the way the series wrapped up, but rather than wallow, several have channeled their frustrations into donations to star Emilia Clarke’s SameYou charity, which is dedicated to helping young people recover from brain injury and stroke.

Redditor u/elle_ellaria set up a SameYou donation page on last week, and posted about it on the /freefolk Reddit. As of this writing, the effort has raised around £47,000, or nearly $60,000, and it’s still ongoing. Now, Clarke herself has taken to Instagram to thank the fans. Watch below:

Clarke’s enthusiasm and gratitude come across as clear as day, and it was surely a thrill for u/elle_ellaria to get a personal thank you. “You are recovery champions,” Clarke says. “You guys are literally helping me, and in doing that you are helping us change the world.”

Before the final season of Game of Thrones aired, Clarke revealed that she twice battled potentially deadly brain aneurysms while shooting the show, so the charity deals with a topic that is obviously close to her heart.

It’s great to see fans come together over such a worthy cause. You can donate through u/elle_ellaria’s page here, or visit the main website here.

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