Twelve things you may not know about Emilia Clarke.

In this PersonalX video we are answering the following questions and something more about Emilia Clarke:

Who acted as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones?
What all awards do Emilia Clarke hold?
How did Emilia Clarke face the hard scenes in Game of Thrones?
What are the talents that Emilia Clarke has other than acting?
Why did Emilia Clarke come to India?
How many languages do Emilia Clarke know and which are those?
Why did Emilia Clarke turn down the role in Fifty Shades of Grey?
Who was initially chosen for Emilia Clarke’s role in Game of Thrones?

Photo Credits:
Gage Skidmore (
Tristan Loper (
Andrea Acuña (
Peter Pham (
Northern Ireland Executive (
AioInstagram Celebrities (
Century Black (
Rach (
Sal Ami (
GabboT (

Audio Credit
Loyalty Freak Music:




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