Game of Thrones 7×02 – Euron Greyjoy attacks Yara’s Fleet



  1. The thing that bothers me is that every version of this scene is laggy. As in, I can hardly really tell what is going on for 3 of this 6 minute battle. Is there any video of this that is high quality and not laggy as shit? Anything over 15 fps would be great.

  2. Yeah, that's not Euron.

    That's actually Victarion after a post-op bad writing identity operation. He's now a trans-character because the hacks writing had Euron but really WANTED to write Victarion because they operate at his general level mentally speaking.

  3. Theon was a beast in this scene. He was cutting men down left right and centre. It was like his cock magically grew back during the battle. Then Euron called him cockless and the illusion he created just disappeared. The demeanor he had when around Yara reeked of an illusion.

  4. The Sand Snakes were really annoying characters. You the only character introduced in GoT that's more annoying and stupid? Euron. In the books, maybe he's interesting. In the show? He's like some pitiful Ramsay Bolton 2.0. A lame, 11th hour addition to a show entering it's final seasons. Another cackling, boring douche bag. This scene was just a massive eye roll for me. The scene I'll enjoy? When Daenerys burns him alive.


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