Everyone knows that the Earth is a sphere, right? Not so fast! There is a small, but vocal, group of people out there that believe the Earth is flat. Yup… fall off the edge flat. But don’t worry, there is a big ice wall circa Game of Thrones holding in our oceans and keeping us safe.

We’re walking you through exactly what the flat Earthers believe to be the truth, how NASA is guarding the wall, the reasons gravity doesn’t exist and so much more! Who knows? Maybe you’ll become a true believer after this.



  1. You don't know what zetetic means haha how ironic, i turned off after that comment. We do not live on a spinning ball guys, either do some proper research or leave the subject alone. Your obviously not ready, insecurity issues maybe.?. Unfortunately what a lot of people lack is intellectual honesty, critical thought and self respect, not least because its been slowly taken from them from a very young age. A zeteic philosophy is what you need basically. Truth is guys we don't know where we live or what shape it is, we just know its not a spinning a ball.


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