Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2: Stormborn
On their way back to Dorne, Sand Snakes and Yara’s fleet are ambushed by Euron’s Iron Fleet. Theon jumps ship.



  1. 3:09 – Bloody hell, that roundhouse. He's easily double her weight, and is wearing heavy armour. Kicking him in the side isn't going to do anything.

    It is quite satisfying to hear it go 'pap' when it bounces off, though.

  2. This just prooves no matter how agile and skill a women posseses she can never compete in a fight against a strong man.

    Inb4 all feminist women on their period start picking on me.

  3. fighting with a knife a curved sword a arrow a ax even a hammer is one thing but a whip who the fuck fights with a whip .. Euron overpowered her and used the whip against her if they both worked together with daggers they might have killed him ..whips are for cattle ! or for sexual S&M not for fighting

  4. This Is why I dream and masturbate to the upcoming white holocaust daily. Washing my face with your parasitic terrorist's blood and using it as a sunscreen and lube, giggles. So many butthurt, white male rage testosterone angry that a group of beautiful ethnic woman whose beauty far outshines that of the dog aged white bitch, had the nerve to exist and be something other than blond and basic. GET THE FUCK OVER IT. Fourth Reich aka white holocaust hurry!!


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