Game of Thrones

Official 806 Iron Throne melts Courtesy of HBO

The final season of Game of Thrones was far and away its most divisive. What do we think of the final six installments now that we’ve gotten some distance?

It’s been a little over a year since the series finale of Game of Thrones, and it seems like a good time to look back on its tremendously controversial final season and reassess. What worked, what didn’t, and how do the episodes shake out with some hindsight?

Looking back, things mostly remain the same. It’s clear that a herculean effort when into completing the defining show of the 2010s, but it doesn’t that enough went into the scripting side of things. Still, there are delights to be found here. So without further ado, let’s revisit the Last Hearth, Winterfell, the Red Keep, and some other favorite spots along memory lane:



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