Dickon Tarly to Gregor Clegane/The Mountain to Beric Dondarrion
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Dickon Tarly to Gregor Clegane/The Mountain to Beric Dondarrion
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Baby Sam has been played by 12 different people and in the books at least he is going to be way more relevant than anyone on this list

Good vid bro. Hadn't even notice some.
The guy they recast for Daario was complete shit. He did not belong in the GoT universe. At all.
A lot of these recasts were very confusing to the average GOT audience. there's so many characters already with uncommon names that it was already hard enough to keep up so when they changed faces all of a sudden, you're left kinda wondering "who the heck is this again?" Lol
The pauses in between sentences the guy narrating does is infuriating.
The one thing I liked about the first Daario was his accent. He sounded like an actual Arab guy, the second one is just another english actor with nothing that sets him appart. Not a bad actor and was a good Daario, but the first one was really good and original.
Omfg, 3 eyed raven, daario, mountain, and the children annoyed the fk outta me. No wonder i was so confused whenever they kept referring to the mountain and daario. I hate all these recasts.
See this is why I get so fucking confused when watching this show
lmao I never noticed any of these it's hard enough to keep up w/ the main characters
The Daario recast was really confusing. To this day, I never even noticed they where supposed to be the same character
Why does. This guy. Talk. Like this?
Tommen is the worst one. Rewstching the show it was super confusing
What was that… you said… about… speaking parts?
I liked conan stevens as the mountain
I think Ed Skrein went to do Deadpool, right?
I find that this is one of the very few shows that do a great job with recasting
What about Qyburn
Am I the only one who didn't notice any of these recast first time watching the show? I can't even remember all the character and their names first time I watch it. I was like, "who is this guy" every time. I'm not good at remembering names and faces, and the recast certainly made it worse and confusing.
Cool video, yet your voice is so monotone…
Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. Holy fuck. Just stfu and watch the show already.
I also that Conan Stevens was the scarier Mountain, especially with his death stare, the third one just looked too friendly to me, especially with his accent
Three eyed raven recast confused the hell out of me
Daario was the most obvious one
I preferred the first the first Daario. He seemed more cocky which is what he is suppposed to be like
fucking francis
When they recast Daario after season 5, I was so confused. I was like what happen to that handsome assassin dude?
Remember when War Machine changed?
Conan Stevens was badass
i hope when the show is over they go back and refilm certain scenes with the finale actors of the show
I love the second Daario, they should've used him from the start.
Ed Skrien was in Deadpool as the main antagonist, so he could no-longer be ing GOT.
the second mountain they cast, i had no idea it was the mountain, the whole season i was just wandering where he was, like when they said the mountain comes and chooses the people who get tortured, then this scrawny fuck walks in and im just sat there wandering where the mountain is
Yeah Ed Skrein did go off to do a movie and that movie was Deadpool and his name was Francis…
You forgot the one where Ned Stark was recast to the invisible man
I thought Steven Blount was lord glover
The first daario went on to be the villain in deadpool
It's not the holocaust jesus
The season 6 night king sucks and isnt even scary looking
Did anyone else not even notice a single one of these?
Your voice is boring
But the last one they can get away with bcuz of if I remember correct he from bravo in the show and believe in the many face God
Tomen is baratheon not lenister …
The guy who recast for dario was a crazy change but I like the change
The people playing the children of the forest take 9 hours of make up. If they have to be in set at 9am, they get picked up around midnight!
They should cast the old Dario again to play Rhaegar this time
Tommen 'Baratheon'
I wanted a dangerous blue hair man to play Daario, he was a badass in books
Yea sure Dickon is minor until Daenerys Targaryen absolutely french fries him and his father