Dickon Tarly to Gregor Clegane/The Mountain to Beric Dondarrion

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  1. A lot of these recasts were very confusing to the average GOT audience. there's so many characters already with uncommon names that it was already hard enough to keep up so when they changed faces all of a sudden, you're left kinda wondering "who the heck is this again?" Lol

  2. The one thing I liked about the first Daario was his accent. He sounded like an actual Arab guy, the second one is just another english actor with nothing that sets him appart. Not a bad actor and was a good Daario, but the first one was really good and original.

  3. Am I the only one who didn't notice any of these recast first time watching the show? I can't even remember all the character and their names first time I watch it. I was like, "who is this guy" every time. I'm not good at remembering names and faces, and the recast certainly made it worse and confusing.

  4. the second mountain they cast, i had no idea it was the mountain, the whole season i was just wandering where he was, like when they said the mountain comes and chooses the people who get tortured, then this scrawny fuck walks in and im just sat there wandering where the mountain is


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