Drama and spectacle — the two things that, in combination and amplified by great acting and high production values, made “Game of Thrones” such a pop culture phenomenon. And in the show’s two best seasons, the drama and spectacle were brought into perfect balance.

In the silver medal spot, we have “Game of Thrones” Season 3, which is packed to the brim with some of the series’ most iconic moments. Jaime gets his hand cut off and starts to become a sympathetic character largely through his relationship with Brienne. Arya and the Hound join up, forming a reluctant but compelling duo. Daenerys claims her Unsullied army, Jon scales the Wall with Ygritte and the wildlings, and of course, the Red Wedding happens. It’s an excellent blend of big showstopper moments and the more muted, slow-burn political drama that the show started with.

Strictly on a character level, Season 3 is masterfully made. A combination of strong source material, perfect casting, and stellar performances create a season where everyone from the most pivotal protagonists to the most ancillary side characters are fun and intriguing to watch. Ygritte and Olenna Tyrell are great examples of this — supporting characters who don’t stick around that long in the grand scheme of the show but who still leave huge, lasting impacts. “Game of Thrones” Season 3 weaves a ton of equally compelling plotlines together seamlessly, and that’s its greatest feat.



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