All the characters were drawn with hand by me, I really have no a clue, but I’d say took 150 hours to do all of this

Music by DJ AG

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  1. Hey Guys!
    Sorry if this will sound a bit awkward, but I really don't know what to say

    I was playing Overwatch with my friends when someone in the Discord channel said "hey, have you looked at the views recently"
    And it completely blew my mind, 60.000 views after just one day, that's so much more than I expected and I just want to thank every single one of you and tell you that I really, really appreciate it, I really do 🙂

    I don't know what else I can do to show you my gratitude, but I'll try to answer every question/comment as best as I can!

    The thing I saw the most was that some characters are missing, like Maester Luwin, Pycelle, Grenn, Osha and so on.
    And I completely agree with some of the stated characters, like it really annoys me that I did not include Qhorin Halfhand, Grenn and Maester Luwin, but I wanted to do this on a somewhat personal note and only do the deaths which had the most emotional impact on me.
    I think without doing it that way and not relying on my passion I have for the books and show I would have gone mad drawing all these characters^^
    With this in mind, it was clear to me that this was not just about "my" important deaths, but that I owe the whole Community to include more than that. Limited to 40 pages I had to find a middle ground, consisting of deaths I found had the most impact, and deaths I know other Game of Thrones Fans find to be more important.
    I think I did an ok job, although in hindsight I would include 1 or 2 more characters.

    Short: I should have bought a bigger pad.

    Still not a good excuse not to include Wun Wun, the last of the Giants. Shame. Shame. Shame. I will do my walk of Punishment.

    So if you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and thanks again 😀

    Greetings from Austria 🙂

  2. "Game of Illiteracy" … You need a lesson in continuous verbs. "Death by Stabbing, poisoning, throat slitting etc … who killed the ING? … (By "Ex Pedantic English Teacher") … But never mind, you're an artist, not a writer. lol


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