Every On Screen Death in Game Of Thrones :
A lot of people die in Game of Thrones thanks to George R. R. Martin, our generation’s most beloved mass-murderer.
Ps : BlackWater Wildfire deaths estimated via information on A Wiki of Ice and Fire
The Underscore Orkestra – “Devil To The Devil”
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what's with the stupid song playing??
I hope more women will get killed.
I thought this video would be allot longer
Had forgotten how violent this series is ^^
so much blood
damage over time
I never watched Game of Thrones but I did see the Sky advert describing Game of Thrones as having "exquisite deaths" so watched this video. I admit I kinda lol'ed at the blood from kills at the start of the video but it's like they're trying to make every kill a work of art. Great video and my personal favourite kill shown is 5225.
Well this is gory….
I didn't think game of thrones was like this
I need therapy now
Music 10/10
Since there are 5373 deaths counted in the first 4 seasons, with probably some more left out, that means that per season there is an average of 1343.25 deaths, and per episode there are 134.325 deaths. That is on average over 2 deaths per minute… wow
1001 ways to de in game of thrones
5,373 deaths? i'm impressed. i just love kill/death counts.
They sure like to impaled,decapitate,burn,strangle,poison,shoot,slice,and slit their victims
You missed the hound snapping that one dudes neck.
Whats with all this Civilian and kids killing?
dat music doe
Bet when someone gets attached to a character they love next episode or seasons they die XD
Jojen 😭😭
So much death like hamlet
A boat exploding is not the same as an on-screen death. All of those deaths are merely implied by the fact that the boat exploded. Also, the number you got for that has to have come from the books, which also has nothing to do with "on-screen" deaths.
Can I not find one of these without this corny ass music playing?
The music really cheers it up a bit😬
I know I'll probably get a biased opinion but is game of thrones worth watching?
No Hound eh? I like that…
Any plans on updating the video to feature Season 5?
More deaths have happened in season 5 than all other season combined. Season 5 has about thrice as many deaths than its predecessors together
Missed the Hound breaking the guy's neck over his shoulder
what is the name of song ?
cant wait for the season 5 update 😀 easily trippling the amount with episode 8 alone
Awesome! But I'm sure it's missing some of the deaths from Craster's Keep
Westeros – bad place to be a male character. Pretty safe to be a woman.
The feminists should be mounting their campaign against the unequal portrayal of violence any minute now.
chirp chirp
I think that last one, along with the red wedding, was the saddest death of them all.
On a more positive note, I really hope somebody who hasn't seen game of thrones watches this. XD
7 isn't actually a death. Marillion appears again in season 2 to have his tongue cut out by Joffrey.
Feminists don't care about all the male deaths, but they'll freak out when a woman gets raped.
skipped the tickler's death. and Commander Mormount's.