Even TV shows are sinful.

Here’s my Everything Wrong With: Game Of Thrones sins covering season 7 episodes 5-7.

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A show can be sinful too! I made this video as I’m a big fan of CinemaSins and their series, ‘Everything Wrong With’, check out their channel here:

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Shows Other Titles:

Everything wrong with GOT
Everything wrong with GOT Season 7
Everything wrong with Game Of Thrones
Everything wrong with Game Of Thrones Season 7

All music by: Pogo –
Intro Song: Giving
Outro Song: Check the bottom left of screen



  1. Warning: This comment contains opinions which may trigger die hard GOT fans who laughably think season 7 was great. If you are one of these people this is not the place for you. You will be butthurt.

    Overall shitty ass season. It started off ok but they completely butchered Jon's character. Making him give away the North is so fucking stupid because he believes he has no claim to it because he's a bastard!!! Then Dany comes in way too cocky and asshole-ish. Jon literally shows her evidence of white walkers and her response is ok I don't give a fuck I'll only care when you bend the knee. Then Tormund saying Jon should bend the knee IS SO FUCKING STUPID! Tormund is literally the one that said to Jon, "You've spent too much time with the free folk. You can never be a kneeler again Jon Snow." And then they make him do a complete 180 degree turn because fucking D&D love Daenerys. AND THE STUPID DOESN'T STOP THERE. Oh no it keeps fucking going. Tyrion whose political genius in the first few seasons matched that of Varys, LittleFinger, Cersie and Tywin is reduced to an endless pile of shit ideas. HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE SMART! And everyone goes along with the worst idea ever to be presented in Game of Thrones history. Fucking Walder Frey could do better than this shite. And the Theon scene. Holy shit where do I start? I am so livid I could hurt someone right now. LIke really?? Theon wins the fight because the dude knocked him in the place where his balls used to be?? THAT'S HOW YOU'RE GOING TO SHOW THEON'S TRANSFORMATION????? HE'S MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER AND YOU HAD TO FUCKING FUCK UP THEON FUCKING GREYJOY I WANT TO PISS ON THIS SEASON AND THE SHITTY WRITING AND THE FUCKING WATTPADESQUE PLOT. It's not even Game of Thrones anymore which used to be driven by plot, but rather they use moments to make up for the lack of proper narrative. I hate it so much and it makes me so sad because this show was so good. Now it's a fucking cesspool of wattpad fantasies and cliche dialogue. What happened to the amazing dialogue from the previous seasons. The summit was their chance to redeem themselves and the dialogue was so below average. I'm so in shock by how much they have dropped the ball. This season was pathetic and horribly cliche. Btw if you think any of the battles this season were better than previous battles I feel sorry for you. None of these battles had any real tension. We knew that Dany would swoop in on her dragons and fuck shit up. No surprise there so it doesn't exactly make it great.

  2. As a whole I liked the season. Wasn't as good as 1,3,4 (which where my personal favorites), but was not as bad as 5 (due to Dorne… How did they fuck up Dorne and the Martells so badly:'( as Dorne is soooooooooo awsome in the books.(again imo) and the final episode was something that I mostly enjoyed, and I was really scared if they where gonna kill of the best character in the show (Imo) Jamie.

  3. Can somebody explain to me how little Lyanna Mormont is the leader of House Mormont? I mean yeah, she makes good decisions and all, and she's crazy badass. I love her. But in a universe like ASOIAF/GoT, you'd think she'd be dead by now, or overrun/pilferage/other nasty things by now… right?

    And how does she make such good choices, good enough for her to stay ruler of House Mormont? She's like… 11.

  4. I quite enjoyed this, but you have some stupid and petty ones in there which made me not take this seriously…Also in some cases, you show some scenes that were actually stupid, but your reasoning for why they're stupid/wrong is off point. For example, the only thing you seem to find wrong with the jon/jorah/longclaw scene is the possibility of future incest babies….How about the fact that of all the times he could've given him the sword, he chose to do it when they're beyond the wall, a place in which it's arguably most needed.

  5. Some of these are wrong and lazy. I'm not going to go through all of them but for number 58 for example, Cersei came to that conclusion in episode 7 because like Cersei herself said, Daenerys came to KL with her armies and her dragons, she came to show her full strength. It was not the same situation when Daenerys attacked the loot train. And for numbers 59, 60 and 61 (those were really dumb) Sam obviously knows Wildlings lived North of the wall, but there's no one else beyond the wall anymore. All the wildlings fled and they were all fleeing south since season 1 because of the white walkers. Bran, Meera and company were the only ones going North as far as we know so Sam's statement makes perfect sense. I agree there were major issues with season 7 but you failed to mention most of them.

  6. The season was like a rollercoaster to me, the first episode was ok, the second episode was good but not great, episode 3 and 4 were fantastic and then it went all down hill for 5 6 and 7. The way the trailers marketed the season i thought that it was gonna be a war between the lanisters and the north, thats why I wasnt excited for the finale since cercie is my favorite character and i knew she was gonna die this season but nope, the finale was just a tease for the next season and I really dont care about season 8 because of how bad episode 5 6 and 7 were

  7. Well u got lot of sin's too. For example, u spot as a sin that Deny didnt fly over NK and kill him, and then u spot a sin on NK that he choose to kill dragon that made turn over him instead of those which was waiting for Jon. Its clearly to see that he change his mind in last moment. But all my and yours bullshits came for nothing couse NK is fireproof.
    PS. looking for sins in fantasy story is like looking for stupidity in comunism.

  8. 14:17 I highly doubt it was pointless. Tyrion obviously made some kind of agreement with her that he feels shitty about if his expression during the aunt-banger scene is any indicator. Also, they didn't show the actual conversation after he made the remark about her pregnancy. That's not something they would just gloss over if it was not crucial to the terms they agreed upon and the overall plot.

  9. Sin 83: Gendry knows his way back to the wall. Hardly a sin. Seeing as how they all left from the wall, it's not hard to think he may know his way back if he has a good sense of direction.

  10. Something that confused me about the final scene is that Benjen had previously told Bran when helping him get to the wall that he couldn't get closer than about a mile due to the walls magic when it comes to undead. Soooo, if he couldn't get close how did the army of the undead and more specifically the undead dragon and the Night King who flew right up to it?!

  11. It really bugs me when Sansa says to Arya in episode 6 "Did you storm the stage and fight off the Lanisters" that Arya doesn't mention how she actually tried to do exactly that, but was grabbed and stopped

  12. Still love game of thrones but it clear Dan and Dave have Cleary got zero fucks to give anymore and are just wanting to race to the finish.It is like game of thrones minus the actual story plot beat…payoff repeat. That being said episode 4 was the best of the season 6 the worst which is strange as GoT has nearly consistently made second last episode the best of season.

  13. The season was quite fun. But its just that, fun. This is the diference between epic and fun. Diference between a movie like Braveheart which will remain an epic or a movie like Avatar which was a technical masterpiece but will one day be outdated. Season 7 is the last. Its a technical masterpiece of production and CGI. But it will one day be outdated by something with even better technology. And when that time comes, people will look into it and see no point besides de CGI because the story went completely overboard.

  14. By far the worst season of Game of Thrones. However, still probably one of the best shows on T.V. but the bar has been set so high in terms of depth of character and plot, that this past season just wasn't on par. I'll watch the last season. I'm committed, but now I'm really only excited about the books.

  15. Lol, so many sins. The editing/review process has certainly failed.

    There are a couple sins I'm not sure are fair. Two sibling that never saw eye to eye since episode one finally meet after bring separated after the death of their father. It's very reasonable they would have some misplaced feelings of blame to resolve. Perhaps it's me trying to make bad writing make sense, but because I know Arya has no interest at all in running winterfell or the north, I like to read the scenes leading up to Littlefinger's death as Arya challenging Sansa. Seeing lies was part of the game in her training. I think she just wanted to help Sansa stop waiting and just deal with Littlefinger. Plus Sansa has been battling a habit of not supporting family because she's afraid of the risk. Arya I think just thought Sansa needed a little more spine and helped her find it. Honestly if Arya had just sat down and explained it Sansa would have been insulted and they would have been pushed farther apart. But Arya knew her sister would react by trying to prove her sister wrong if she challenged her the way she did.

    Because her pirate was never actually going home, we know Cersei was manipulating from the beginning. Yes she used Jon's loyalty to Dany as her excuse to walk away, but she always planned to do it. Novice negotiation, walk away to see what kind of position you have and try to get a better deal. Who else besides her brother would run after her? She knew he would. She knows Tyrian is observant and would notice that the sister that always had a wine glass wasn't drinking and that touching of the belly was to tell him why. It's universal signlanguage for baby. The scene needed to be there. Knowing our little lion was worried about who would follow Dany on the thrown he may thought he'd found something to offer her to help get her on the team. His worry at the end of the episode could be viewed as him thinking "well they're testing it, this could be a problem if Cersei thinks I lied."

  16. ther lit their swords on fire with their hands the same way beric did it when he fought the hound and died a few seasons ago.  thoros of myr, i think it was, explained its a trick.


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