A psychotic, racist and sexist supervisor (Will Ferrell) torments and threatens his employees (Rachel Dratch, Chris Kattan, Chris Parnell, Jerry Minor, Tina Fey) in front of an applicant (Pierce Brosnan). Aired 05/05/01

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  1. This has no video, just audio. Was that intentional? If not, I've seen this happen before… I have no idea why this happens, but some videos just show up as a black screen for me.

  2. This is before everyone turned into weak minded pussies that get offended over everything, even comical sketches. If this was aired today, there would be pandemonium, protests, and it would be on the news for the next 2 months.

  3. This is not the least bit funny. Anyone who's worked in an abusive work environment has got to be seriously offended by this. Workplace bullying is not a joke. Ferrell's character is of course a bit hyperbole, but there are plenty of sadistic bosses out there who delight in gratuitously treating their employees like crap.

    Go ahead, tell me to "lighten up." No, not on this. I don't think watching people being abused and tortured is even a little bit humorous.

  4. If this were aired today The Huffington Post would write a blistering article attacking Ferrell as the evil epitome of cisgender white male privilege and call for him to be fired. College campuses would be full of feminists protesting


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