The story of how Arya Stark killed one of the most feared villains of television, the Night King, never really gets old.

Arya may have been a bystander who could not intervene when her father’s head was chopped off, but in the Battle of Winterfell, the young Stark finally proved her mettle.

In a fight that was hailed as the most heroic in Game of Thrones history, Arya can be seen grabbing the Night King, quit literally, before performing a mindblowing knife trick and stabbing him.

However, a user on Reddit pointed out something rather interesting.

The user, who goes by the name Jugal0707 on Reddit, posted a clipping from Sab TV’s show Aladdin – Naam Toh Suna Hoga. The clipping shows the titular hero killing a skeleton. But what is weird is how similar the modus operandi is to that of Arya Stark.

In case you don’t believe us, you can see it for yourself here:

India did it before it was cool. from r/india

The video shows the villain attempting to jump at the hero who in turn grabs it by its bones (yes, pun intended) and then stabs it. Just like Arya did! The skeleton then falls to the ground and vanishes into thin air.

So, this is what Redditors claimed – This version of Aladdin came out last year, that is in 2018. Now although the episode of GoT came out this year, it was shot approximately a year back. The episode is expected to have been shot between 2017 and 2018. Yet, the exact date remains unknown as various details related to the filming were kept top secret.

In a way, Sab TV may have been the first to air the scene or vice versa. Did GoT makers take cues from our very own desi show? Or did Aladdin follow Arya’s strategy?

However, another Reddit user commented that the details of GoT’s final season were so closely guarded that there is no way a director sitting in India could have accessed it.

However, here’s the truth.

The Aladdin episode was aired much later and the GoT episode had already released (and created an uproar) by then. This basically means that the Indian show copied GoT and not the other way around. Another Redditor pointed out, “The pirates were a direct copy of POTC, the skeleton dying scene was thanos snapping his fingers and in the next episode Aladdin will find a magical hammer that happened to be look just like mjolnir!”

Well, there you have it.



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