Game of Thrones is over, its ending fixed in the minds of all the fans who watched it for its eight seasons on the air…but we’re not done talking about it. The show will live on in the imaginations of its audience for years to come. One fan — YouTube’s own 3D Print Guy — has even taken his vision for the ending and brought it to strange, hilarious life. Watch his version of how the final battle with the Night King should have gone below:

There’s nothing so gruesomely adorable as cartoon ultra-violence. And who knew the Night King was full of green goo? Nice job, Hodor!

This is terrific work from 3D Print Guy. If you like that Hodor figure, you can actually buy one on his website, or even download the needed files and print out your own version for free!

Anyway, we hope this vision of cartoon Hodor pulling the Night King in half in front of the Iron Throne has made your Friday a little brighter. Happy weekend!

Next: Small Council: Let’s talk about HBO’s Fire & Blood prequel

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