The two-year wait for the final season of Game of Thrones is nearly at an end, but while it’s come very close, HBO still has yet to release an official trailer. The YouTube channel ThroneClips, which has a name that tells you everything you need to know, is here to help with this incredible fan-made season 8 trailer, and we officially have goosebumps. Watch below!

Hot damn; what a trip down memory lane. What I liked best was the trailer’s focus not just on the events of season 7, but every worthwhile moment in the war with the dead since the show began, and it’s always good to see old friends like Jeor Mormont. With a premiere date finally announced, an official trailer can’t be far behind.

This isn’t the only fan-made trailer floating around. Check out this beauty from Matthockey28:

HBO’s new season 8 season must have galvanized people. We aren’t complaining.

And if you thought these were awesome, you haven’t seen anything yet. In perhaps the greatest piece of fan-created content ever, this father uses his daughter’s toys to recreate Game of Thrones iconic opening:

As a father of a young daughter whose toys routinely take over my living room, I am kicking myself that I didn’t come up with this myself. The baby gate as the Wall is particularly brilliant, and I salute Matt Chojnacki for his creativity. HBO, the bar has been set.

Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

Announcing WiC Club: the most exclusive club this side of the wall

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