Could this ‘Game Of Thrones’ fan theory mean Tyrion Lannister is Azor Ahai?

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  1. this was awsome but a few things – one nothing about the azhor prophesy states that it has to be a targarian, prince that was promised refers to him being the chosen prince of the lord of light not any actual royal blood 2 nothing about the prophesy says azhor has to kill his love thats just something azhor did not part of the signs for his prophesied return and he only did that to make the sword light bringer and finally I think it makes no sense for tywin to keep tryion alive at all if he was not his baby he hated him for being a dwarf and he was looking all his life for an excuse to kill tyrion because he did not want to be a kin slayer family is kind of his whole deal thanks for making this is was really cool

  2. Loved the drawing during this video.

    Don't think the theory is on the mark. Tyrion will be a dragon rider, but I don't think he's a Targaryen. I mean, is EVERYONE a Targaryen? And I don't recall in the books anything about Azor Ahai needing to be a Targaryen. I mean, Melisandre has been holding up Stannis as the guy for most of the story.

  3. The book kind of foreshadows that a bit. In one of the moments Tyrion is talking to himself he says how when he was a kid he wished that he would turn out to be some long lost Targaryen prince and how he would hop on a dragon and fly to his real home.

  4. I think Jaime and Cersei MIGHT be Aerys' children (though I think it would massively cheapen the story) Tyrion is definitely Tywin's son. It was a major theme: Tyrion, despite being stunted and ugly, is the only one of Tywin's children to actually inherit their father's cunning, subtlety, and political skill. Despite however badly Tywin would want it to be otherwise, Cersei is too petty and stupid to be her father's successor and Jaime is too lazy. Tyrion is the only one who could be a true heir to Tywin and he's the only one Tywin despises and refuses to acknowledge. That's all meaningless if Tyrion isn't Tywin's son.

  5. I hate this fucking retarded theory since day one . tyrion is secretly a targaryan as a result of mad king aerys being involved with Mrs lannister man that theory is so dumb it will never happen in game of thrones. hypothetically if that became part of the story I think it will cheapen the story

  6. Tyrion IS indeed a Trargaryen, but he is NOT Azor Ahiai – he is lightbringer

    he was broken in water, (blackwater) just like lightbringer, he was broken in the heart of the Lion (Lannister) and now is lookign for Nisa Nisa (the wife = Daenerys).

    also, there are a vouple of references of him "casiting a large shadow"

    Tyrion IS lightbringer, Daenerys is the Wife (she has always aquired the role of the wife, or the courted prospect or the mother) and Jon is Azor Ahai (the prince who was promised)

  7. jon stark dont want to be a king and starks belong to winter fell , the one who sits in the iron throne will be a targaryn infact tyrion is a secret targaryn then he will be the heir and the rightful ruler. jon and khaleesi prbably will die defeating the nights king and brandon could be the one who controls the other dragon,and one for khaleesi and other for tyrion so there are much of chances of tyrion becoming the king than any other.

  8. tyrion definiety is capable of sitting in the iron throne. he is brave , intelligent , innocent and clever so he with sansa may get the iron throne . this could posibbly be an unexpected ending but tyrion can do it. maybe rr martin made him dwarf because people may thing how could a dwarf be a king in the iron throne , so nobody expects that and he is also the best player in playing games he always managed to escape all the critical situations with his intellignce . so he is the one who deserves it.

  9. Maybe all three of them are Azor Ahai and each of them was supposed to fulfill a part of the prophecy. Think about it Rhaegar said the dragon has three heads.All three of them would be the blood of the dragon, all three of them killed someone they loved, all reborn amidst smoke and salt, and any inconsistencies with one would be fulfilled by the other and each would bring something to the war to come. Jon would bring light bringer and honor, Dany would bring dragons and Tyrion would bring his keen intellect.


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