It’s 1998 and Star Wars fanboys across the globe eagerly await the release of Episode I. But for Eric, Linus, Hutch and Windows the term “fanboy” is more than just a title, it’s a badge of honor. Spurred by impatience and an undying loyalty to their cause, these former high school friends reunite to undertake the road trip of their fan-tasies. Traveling West across the country to visit their Mecca – George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch – the plan is to break in, steal the film and stake their claim as the first fanboys in history to watch it. But to secure their place in the fanboy hall of fame, they’ll have to contend with bizarre bikers, a crazy pimp, a deranged group of trekkies and the quiet intensity of William Shatner.



  1. "Then why do you have the Phaser Gun?"

    "To suss out Treckie Bitches like yourselves and tell them to get the hell off our land! GO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

    "Kirk loving Spock-suckers!!"

    This is my favorite movie of all time!


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