Home News Fans Are Now Apparently Okay With Incest

Fans Are Now Apparently Okay With Incest


Image via HBO

Last night’s seventh House of the Dragon episode may have been the show’s best so far. With so much palpable tension between the members of the royal family, someone was bound to explode, but who could’ve foreseen that it would be such a devastating blow as to weaken the very foundations of Viserys’ rule?

As fans recover from all the intriguing developments in “Driftmark,” they look towards some of the most important implications in the reunion of Daemon and Rhaenyra, and the taming of Vhagar at the hands of Aemond “One-Eye” Targaryen. Here’s a breakdown of everything important that happened in the world of Westeros over the last day.

‘House’ episode 8 preview teases Otto’s rise to power

Rhys Ifans as Otto Hightower in HBO's 'House of the Dragon'

The latest House outing has finally unveiled the infamous greens vs. blacks team-ups, with one side all but pledging allegiance to Rhaenyra’s cause as the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, while the rest throw in their lot with Queen Alicent and her legitimate Targaryen children. As the ailing King Viserys grows too weak to rule, Otto Hightower takes over the affairs of King’s Landing in lieu of the dragon. Daemon and Rhaenyra will not stand for it if the episode 8 preview teaser is anything to go by, and they seem to be coming all the way from Dragonstone to assert their dominance.

‘House of the Dragon’ star admits there are some parallels between the Clubfoot and Littlefinger

Image via HBO

While Game of Thrones makes sure that you get the gist of who Littlefinger or Lord Varys are by the end of its third episode, House is playing a much more nuanced game with Larys “Clubfoot” Strong. The character was basically an extra before showing the full range of his conniving villainy, and we have a feeling that even by killing his father and brother in cold blood, he’s only getting started.

Matthew Needham recently broke down his character in an interview, noting that while there are definitely similarities between the Clubfoot and those two characters from Game of Thrones, Larys is much worse than either of them. “I don’t think either of those guys burnt their family alive,” he said. “I’m sure they did other horrible things, but he’s his own strange guy, I think. He’s on his own path.”

Westerosi fans are apparently fully on-board with incest now

Image via HBO

We can remember a time when society generally looked on incest with the utmost sense of disapproval and condemnation, but then Game of Thrones happened, and we’re not so sure of that stance anymore. I mean, how are we even supposed to feel about the weirdly creepy romantic bond between Daemon Targaryen and his niece Rhaenyra, even if they happen to be the show’s most charismatic characters? The pair got married in the seventh episode, and while we’d half-expected people to raise a few eyebrows at that, it seems that most are rooting for the Seven Kingdom’s newest power couple. Strange times we live in… strange times indeed.

That’s all we have for you today, but tune in tomorrow for another Game of Thrones roundup and even more developments from the House of the Dragon world.


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