My Review of the Tower of Joy battle, from Game of Thrones season 6 episode 3.

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  1. Hema fags ruin everything. This is a tv show about dragons, snow zombies, and drama. "Oh his footing isn't right" or "look at his style it's all wrong." First of all this is a mythical land. Different fighting styles that your similar to don't exist. And again this show is mythical. Why is it so hard to watch a dude mow down five people without someone bitching about how he did it wrong. First of all no one can or could take on 5 people at once. Maybe one at a time yes. But in real life you'd get stormed by all 5 people and get hacked to bits. This is a fictional show. And actually the sword fighting isn't even that terrible. It's incredibly interesting to watch, with all of the fancy moves and what not. I like it and so do the millions of people who watch it every week. Besides a mass audience would not wanna watch a 60 second brawl, of one person hitting, another parrying, then returning the blow, hence other person dying ect. Most historical fights ended in 1-3 moves. Who tf cares just watch sparring if you wanna see that, and stop bitching and moaning about a fictional tv show.

  2. Oh boo fucking hoo they aren't fighting exactly fucking textbook. You are aware that historically not every single fucking swordsman in the history of the world fights completely textbook. Assuming that Arthur Dayne is an amazing swordsman like we're told, he should be able to improvise his own technique because of how good he is at sword fighting. Not every character in this FICTIONAL world has to be confined to what you perceive as how people fought a long time ago, which may or may not even be how people generally fought when it came to actual fights to the death.

  3. Thank you for making such a detailed stroke by stroke analysis of this fight and pointing out how awful (from a technical HEMA perspective) it was.

    The Scola Gladatoria channel did a similar analysis but yours was better. Matt Easton didn't go into as much detail and failed to point out many of the mistakes but he did highlight what they got right (specifically, aiming for gaps in armour). However, he was far too nice about the choreography overall. I prefer your honesty!

    The next step would be for someone to recreate these fights with HEMA practitioners so we can see what they should look like! That's a tall ask but perhaps someday…

  4. Keep in mind that in the medieval ages the majority of people weren't trained swordsmen, therefore they did mistakes as well. This review seems reasonable but still a bit picky, like why do you expect some random guys to fight like they were trained all their life. Except for Ned Stark and that guy with 2 swords (can't remember his name), they are supposed to be excellent fighters but I don't get why you were criticizing the other random guys, as I said earlier, not everyone with a sword in the middle ages knew how to fight properly.

  5. I don't expect much from a television show or a movie so unless you can tell they go out of their way to try to be realistic or claim to be I won't fault them. These are actors by the way so you can't expect too much from them. Plus it's a fantasy show so.

  6. The first guy you say got killed, is actually Howland Reed, the one who kills Arthur Dane at the end. His form is still horrible ofc. Also, Eddard is actually parrying with his bracer, so it isn't entirely odd that his hand is extended at times. (It's a detail Matt Easton made a note of.)

  7. If I recall from the books and the wiki, the star-metal sword was closer to a greatsword like Eddard's Ice and would be impossible to wield without both hands, but I could be remembering wrong. Either way, I wish they had given the Sword of the Morning (aka Arthur) a little more time to shine before his final bout.

  8. This is why I'm glad I don't watch this show. This is fucking painful. Honestly I'm not even that large a fan of the books, but I respect the authenticity and attention to realism that went into many of the facets of the fantasy. This just shits all over that careful, skillful writing.

  9. Nah, not good. I dont like GoT at all, and this fight has many problems, but what you picked is so petty 😀 4:58 "Bad footwork, running backwards" Really, that is the problem with this? 😀 He is facing 4 men alone and he has bad footwork because he is running backwards??? If something is wrong with it, its why those 4 men let him pass through them when they had him surrounded, his "bad footwork" is completely justified in this situation 😀


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